This work was supported by grants from the UPV/EHU (EHU12/24), the Vice Rector for Innovation, Social Outreach and Cultural Activities of the UPV/EHU, funding by the contract-programme formalised with the Basque Government (code of the Campus Bizia Lab project: 17ARRO, 18ARRO and 19ARRO), the Vice Rector for Students and Employability of the UPV/EHU and Basque Government (2016); and a pre-doctoral scholarship from the Basque Language Vice-chancellor of the UPV/EHU. In contrast, other student-specific research has failed to detect an association between eating habits and age (or year of study), although most of these studies have not collected detailed dietary data [2, 4, 10, 26]. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Adjusted mean pattern scores by demographic and cooking/eating behaviour variables from the GLMs are provided in Table4 (Model 1) and Table5 (Model 2). Factors related to diet and lifestyles associated with an increased risk of excess body fat (BF) in the population under study: students of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), EHU12/24 study(Odds ratio and 95 % confidence intervals). Adv Prev Med. Among the postbiotics . 1998;30:18598 Available from: Introduction. Working class students at university, 2008/09. The second dietary component had high positive factor loadings for biscuits, cakes and sweet pastries, milk- and cream-based desserts, confectionery, crisps and savoury snacks, fruit juice, other bread, pizza and fizzy drinks. Shi, Yumeng Study abroad. 2008;62:4719. Background Many studies have examined childhood and adolescent obesity, but few have examined young adults and the effect of their home and current living environments on prevalence rates. The impact of a community-based food skills intervention on cooking confidence, food preparation methods and dietary choices - an exploratory trial. Also, it assesses the relationship between the sociodemographic characteristics and risk of overweight and obesity in this population. Consequently, the prominence of the vegetarian and health-conscious dietary patterns may have been over-estimated in this study. Obesity is a severe public health problem that has reached epidemic levels and is developing rapidly. This research aimed to characterise dietary patterns of university students in the UK and their sociodemographic and lifestyle antecedents. This study has been conducted with University students in Turkey. It should be noted that we used previously well-proven or validated questionnaires. Richmond R . Appetite. The selected 70 students were associated with obesity risk factors about obesity (owerveight or normal weight and they were in the risk group in terms of obesity according to the risk rating scales, and between 19-24 years old) and randomly assigned to the experimental (35 students) and control group (35 students). Central London location. Bachelor's degree students recorded higher BMI than those at associate level. It should also be noted that all dietary studies suffer from selection bias, in which more health- or diet-aware individuals choose to participate. Compared with normal-weight students, overweight students had greater waist and hip circumferences and higher blood pressure, fasting and 2-h insulin, fasting total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and leptin levels. Similarly, there is enormous heterogeneity in motives for drinking alcohol including coping, enhancement of social status, religious practice, personality type and alcohol availability [37, 38]. Childhood obesity in England 10.1% of reception age children (age 4-5) were obese in 2021/22, with a further 12.1% were overweight. Specifically, female students favoured a vegetarian diet, whilst male students scored highly on the convenience, red meat & alcohol pattern. Weight gain and obesity among university students is therefore a recognized health issue. Feature Flags: { The findings of the study should be considered within the context of its limitations. Mccourt HJ, Draffin CR, Woodside JV, Cardwell CR, Young IS, Hunter SJ, et al. Examination of scatter plots revealed no evidence of non-linear relationships between component scores and nutrient intakes. This research aimed to characterise dietary patterns of university students in the UK and their sociodemographic and lifestyle antecedents. In Model 2, higher pattern scores were independently associated with male gender (p<0.001), regular/social smoking status (p<0.001), most frequent consumption pre-prepared foods (p=0.040), frequent consumption of ready-meals/take-aways (p<0.001), frequent breakfast skipping (p<0.001), regular consumption of animal products (p<0.001) and greater amounts of money spent on food (p<0.001). Infrequent consumption of meals prepared from raw ingredients (p<0.001), and frequent consumption of pre-prepared foods (p<0.001) and ready meals/take-aways (p<0.001) were also independently associated with high snacking pattern scores. Nagatomo, Izumi International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK), Body fat assessed from total body density and its estimation from skinfold thickness: measurements on 481 men and women aged from 16 to 72 years, Body composition from fluid spaces and density: analysis of methods, Techniques for Measuring Body Composition, Definitions and proposed current classifications of obesity, Estilos de vida y salud en estudiantes universitarios: La Universidad como entorno promotor de la salud (Lifestyles and health in university students: the university as a promoter of health), Obesity assessment: tools, methods, interpretations (a reference case: the Reno Diet-Heart Study), Chapman & Hall series in Clinical Nutrition, Adaptation, validation and reproducibility of a short food frequency questionnaire to assess food group intake in the population resident in the Basque Country (Spain), Understanding meal patterns: definitions, methodology and impact on nutrient intake and diet quality, Adherence to nutrition-based cancer prevention guidelines and breast, prostate and colorectal cancer risk in the MCC-Spain Case-Control Study, A healthy lifestyle score is associated with cardiometabolic and neuroendocrine risk factors among Puerto Rican adults, Skipping breakfast is associated with overweight and obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Breakfast consumption in French children, adolescents and adults: a nationally representative cross-sectional survey examined in the context of the International Breakfast Research Initiative, Eating alone is differentially associated with the risk of metabolic syndrome in Korean men and women, Effect of a high-fat Mediterranean diet on bodyweight and waist circumference: a prespecified secondary outcome analysis of the PREDIMED randomised controlled trial, Collaborative Group of the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC), Dietary guidelines for the Spanish population (SENC, December of 2016); the new graphic icon of health nutrition, Update of the healthy eating index: HEI-2010, Dietary patterns: a Mediterranean diet score and its relation to clinical and biological markers of cardiovascular disease risk, International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Time trends between 2002 and 2017 in correlates of self- reported sitting time in European adults, Sedentary behaviors increase risk of cardiovascular disease mortality in men, Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC), Spanish Society of Family and Community (semFYC), Consejos para una Alimentacin Saludable (Tips for Healthy Eating), National Sleep Foundations sleep time duration recommendations: methodology and results summary, Nutricin y Diettica (Nutrition and Dietetics), Secretariado de Publicaciones y Medios Audiovisuales, Universidad de Len, Estudio cuantitativo del consumo de alimentos en la CAPV. Dietary intakes - National Diet and Nutrition Survey. The current study had a number of strengths and limitations that should be acknowledged. The snacking and convenience, red meat and alcohol patterns have common features with published data on the food preferences of British university students [2, 4]. Eat Weight Disord9:163-169. Uni-versity students. All students were recruited through university email distribution lists. and M. A.-I. Age groups were prominent in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in males, but an exception in females. In 201920, mature students (aged 21 and over) accounted for 57.5% of the student population at UUK member institutions. Finlayson G, Cecil J, Higgs S, Hill A, Hetherington M. Susceptibility to weight gain. Behav. Wrieden WL, Anderson AS, Longbottom PJ, Valentine K, Stead M, Caraher M, et al. This study was conducted as part of EFSs PhD project. Pearsons correlation coefficients between dietary pattern scores and energy intake were calculated. Larson NI, Perry CL, Story M, Neumark-Sztainer D. Food preparation by young adults is associated with better diet quality. Details of the constituent foods comprising the 55 foods/food groups entered into the PCA. Terms and Conditions, According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) between 2009 and 2010 more than 35 percent of adults across the U.S. and Canada were considered obese, (McGuire, 2011, pp. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines obesity as an "abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health," further clarifying that "the fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended" [ 1, 2 ]. Whilst high rates of binge drinking have previously been documented among student populations [3, 26], and there is a popular stereotype of students as heavy drinkers, only one pattern (convenience, red meat & alcohol) was high in alcoholic beverages. Obesity is a critical lifestyle factor that increases the risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases such as hypertension [ 1 ], diabetes [ 2 ], and cardiovascular disease (CVD) [ 3 ], and increases mortality [ 4 ]. Further studies are needed to confirm the complex interconnection between underlying factors of overweight/obesity. Dietary studies of British university students are constrained by crude dietary assessment, small sample size and generally focus on a single university [3, 4]. Where absolute quantities of consumption were given, these were converted into number of portions consumed per day. 2009;67:8394. Targeted interventions towards these students are necessary. A high prevalence of overweight and obesity was noted among the study sample, particularly male students. Otsuki, Naoko 2014;112:168598. The present study explores contextual factors affecting overweight and obesity among university students in China and, in particular, focuses on how the SES-obesity relationship varies across different . 2006;106:20017. Only health sciences students were recruited at the University of Southampton, because of logistical issues in distribution of the survey. It should be noted that these models are developmental and clearly only cover some of the potential antecedents of following such patterns. Obesity is now a bigger cause of deaths in Scotland and England than smoking, according to a new study. El AW, Stock C, John J, Deeny P, Phillips C, Snelgrove S, et al. 4 Overweight and obesity have been proven to . 2014;39:50813. Google Scholar. Moreover, only health-sciences students were recruited at Southampton, which may represent a source of bias. Why College Students are Obese (And How it Affects Them) Food insecurity an issue impacting 25.4% of college students increases the odds of obesity by 3.16-5.13 times. For each retained dietary component a GLM was fitted with demographic variables only (Group 1). Maternal education was not included in the models, since data were not available for all students. Although a vegetarian pattern has been described in the wider UK diet pattern literature [21,22,23], it was a minor component, in keeping with the low prevalence of vegetarianism among British adults nationally (3%) [25]. Indeed it is noteworthy that these two patterns were additionally positively correlated with energy intake and did not feature fruit and vegetables; dependence on such a pattern may increase risk of positive energy balance and hence weight gain. Only intake of total sugars (energy-adjusted) was strongly and negatively correlated with the convenience, red meat & alcohol pattern (r=0.577; P<0.01). Existing studies allude to non-prudent consumption patterns, reporting low consumption of fruit and vegetables alongside high intakes of confectionery, alcohol, and fried, ready-made and convenience foods [2,3,4]. A blossoming field of study. Participants were required to recall their habitual diet over the most recent university semester (three months). Chen, Xiaomei These conditions include: metabolic syndrome type 2 diabetes high. From these, we calculated body mass index (BMI). The author contributions are as follows: N. T.-A. 14. 2012;58:10918 Available from: Figure1 shows numbers of students excluded based on fulfilment of various eligibility criteria. People are becoming overweight or obese at an increasingly younger age. University of Glasgow researchers looked at health surveys of nearly 200,000 adults. This study aimed to identify dietary patterns that exist within a UK university student population, to assess the nutritional profile of these patterns, and to examine socio-demographic and lifestyle variables underpinning these patterns. The inactivity at different ages it is a major problem for most countries. and The convenience, red meat & alcohol pattern shares features (positive factor loadings for red meat, chips, alcohol) with a major dietary pattern (labelled drinker/social) reported among approximately 480 2025year olds in Northern Ireland, derived from 7-day diet history data [24]. The authors declare that they have no competing interest. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. either in the overweight or obese category. Li, Hongjuan This manuscript represents original work, which has not been published previously and is not being considered by another Journal. In according with the results will see how . One important aspect relates to diet and there is emerging evidence that university students may consume poor quality diets, with potential implications for body weight and long-term health. 2015;2015:639239 Available from: 6th ed. 2012;58:14150 Available from: Religion was also not included due to confounding with ethnic background. This study utilized longitudinal data from the NYC Fitnessgram . Cookies policy. California Privacy Statement, Moriyama, Toshiki A p value of <0.05 was considered significant. Lennox A, Prynne C, Swan G, Roberts C, Steer T, Pell D, et al. Associations with sociodemographic variables were assessed through general linear modelling. 3, 4 Preventing overweight in children is expected to be a promising approach to reducing obesity and Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. All interested candidates can apply for the academic year 2023-2024. Northstone K, Smith AD, Cribb VL, Emmett PM. Gua Elika (Quantitative Study of the Consumption of Food in the Basque Country. Public Health Nutr. Prev Med (Baltim). It is possible that as students mature they become increasingly aware of the impact of dietary choices on health and well-being, and health thus becomes an increasingly important determinant of food choice. [cited 2018 Aug 29]. These findings are relevant to future health promotion interventions and behaviour change in this important population. There was a weak negative correlation between the vegetarian pattern and energy intake (r=0.096; p<0.01), but a weak positive correlation between the health-conscious pattern and energy intake (r=0.271; P<0.01). These recruitment differences may have biased the sample towards health-motivated students at KCL, St Andrews and Southampton. The health-conscious pattern, which had a favourable nutrient profile - being particularly dense in micronutrients such as biotin, vitamin B12, vitamin D and selenium - is at odds with the stereotype of student eating patterns, but concurs with published research on dietary patterns among UK adults [21, 22] and a small-scale study of university students in Birmingham, UK [4]. 2012;13:40511. J Am Diet Assoc. Half the women born in 1946 were overweight by age 48, compared to 41 for the 1970 generation. On average, students reported a significant weight increase (1.53 kg+/-2.70, p<0.001), although there was considerable variation, with 55% of the sample reporting weight gain, 12% weight loss,. Int J Obes. Ide, Seiko We obtained weight change by subtracting, for each individual, self-reported weights collected at the different time points. At age 10-11 (year 6), 23.4% were obese and 14.3% overweight. Furthermore, use of an FFQ allowed dietary intake to be captured over a 3-month semester and facilitated recruitment of a large, geographically diverse sample, albeit a convenience one. 2009;2:15765 Available from: 15. Students reporting greater cooking ability tended towards the vegetarian and health-conscious patterns. The . Moreover, well documented studies have identiied the need to . Risk factors of overweight/obesity-related lifestyles Department of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, 01006Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain,, Reference Vadeboncoeur, Townsend and Charlie Foster, Reference Cutillas, Herrero and de San Eustaqui, Reference Balgoon, Al-Zahrani and Alkhattabi, Reference Coli Bari, Satali and Lukesi, Reference El Ansari, Stock and Mikolajczyk, Reference Hultgren, Turrisi and Cleveland, Reference El Ansari, Ssewanyana and Stock, Reference Lieberman, Marriott and Williams, Reference Bennasar-Veny, Yaez and Jordi Pericas, Reference Moreno-Gmez, Romaguera-Bosch and Tauler-Riera, Reference Telleria-Aramburu, Rocandio and Rebato, Reference Marfell-Jones, Olds and Stewart, Reference Bray, Bouchard, James, Bray, Bouchard and James, Reference Telleria-Aramburu, Alegria-Lertxundi and Arroyo-Izaga, Reference Romaguera, Gracia-Lavedan and Molinuevo, Reference Sotos-Prieto, Bhupathiraju and Falcon, Reference Carbajal, Snchez-Muniz, Garca-Arias and Garca- Fernndez, Reference Ortega, Lpez-Sobaler and Andrs, Reference Panagiotakos, Milias and Pitsavos, Reference Garca-Meseguer, Cervera and Vico, Reference Panagiotakos, Pitsavos and Stefanadis, Reference Healton, Vallone and McCausland, Reference Zaccagni, Barbieri and Gualdi-Russo, Reference Jaalouk, Matar Boumosleh and Helou, Reference Garca-Meseguer, Delicado-Soria and Serrano-Urrea, Reference Whatnall, Patterson and Brookman, Reference Vereecken, Covents and Sichert-Hellert, Global Burden of Disease Collaborative Network, Lifestyle risk factors of students: a cluster analytical approach, Prevalence of overweight/obesity and its associated factors among university students from 22 countries, A meta-analysis of weight gain in first year university students: is freshman 15 a myth, Addressing nutritional issues in the college-aged client: strategies for the nurse practitioner, Prevalence of overweight and obesity, and dieting attitudes among Caucasian and African American college students in Eastern North Carolina: a cross-sectional survey, Prevalence of overweight/obesity and central obesity and its associated factors among a sample of university students in India, Prevalence of overweight and central obesity and their relationship with blood pressure among college students in Shandong, China, Estudio de hbitos alimentarios y estilos de vida de los universitarios espaoles (Study of Food Habits and Lifestyles of Spanish University Students). The health-conscious pattern was the most nutrient dense, with significant, positive, strong correlations (0.5r<0.7; p<0.01) for energy-adjusted intakes of selenium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and biotin. In the academic year His experiences are steadily being accumulated through over 9 years of working seamlessly in the nutritional discipline at local and regional institutions. 2010;64:97886. Despite this, there is limited progress in addressing the problem of obesity among college students. Objectives This scoping review identifies factors associated with obesity traits including body mass index, weight, and body fat percentage in undergraduate students. This study aimed to identify dietary patterns within a UK university student population and to delineate the socio-demographic, lifestyle and other behavioural characteristics of students favouring these patterns. College-based obesity prevention educational interventions are multi-component efforts that provide education about nutrition, physical activity, and healthy weight management; such interventions are often paired with campus environment improvements. Yang, Yurou One important aspect relates to diet and there is emerging evidence that university students may consume poor quality diets, with potential implications for body weight and long-term health. Northern Ireland: Public Health England; 2014. p. 6184. Clustering of lifestyle risk factors with dietary patterns was also evident, with less healthful dietary patterns associated with smoking, low physical activity and take-away consumption. The survey comprised a validated food frequency questionnaire alongside lifestyle and sociodemographic questions. [cited 2012 Nov 29]. Nishida, Makoto Matsumura, Yuichiro This association has not been documented among a university student population, but corroborates associations found in several adult studies [31, 32]. Data collection was preceded by a pilot study, which was used to refine the web-survey. The majority of students were White British (n=911; 62.9%) and registered for full-time study (n=1394; 96.3%). Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Imperial-MIT student exchange. This dietary pattern was labelled vegetarian, because there was a clear tendency towards consumption of non-meat protein sources and avoidance of all meat and fish products. These universities had responded positively to an invitation to participate in the research study; contact was made via university Human Nutrition or Health Sciences departments. An online, cross-sectional survey was undertaken with a convenience sample of 1448 university students from five UK universities (Kings College London, Universities of St Andrews, Southampton and Sheffield, and Ulster University). 2022. A University of Gothenburg study found that being overweight in childhood and early adulthood are distinct risk factors for blood clots later in life. A review of drinking motives. The majority of respondents were from the University of Sheffield (n=567; 39.2%), Ulster University in Northern Ireland (n=443; 30.6%) and KCL (n=305; 21.1%). University College London London, UK Tel: 02076795634 E-mail: . International Research Opportunities Programme. Furthermore students following this pattern were also more likely to smoke, have frequent consumption of take-aways and pre-prepared foods and engage in lower levels of physical activity. [cited 2012 Mar 13]. Matsushita, Taisuke Genes also may contribute to a person's susceptibility to weight gain. HIgher Education Statistics Agency Ltd. Eating behaviour traits and physical activity as predictors of weight gain during the first year of university. Lead a dynamic research team in the activity of national food consumption surveys in Ireland including the impact of dietary intake on population health. Finally, fourth, the design itself was cross-sectional so causal conclusions cannot be drawn from the behaviour factors selected. The freshman weight gain phenomenon revisited. Students with poor cooking ability were less likely to adopt healthier (vegetarian; health-conscious) diets than their more skilled counterparts. Gong, Jiayu Generally, students at Ulster University favoured less healthful patterns, whilst those at the Universities of Southampton, St Andrews and KCL tended towards more healthful diets. Although obese university students in this study perceived the barriers to healthy eating as very important or somewhat important more than non-obese students, the differences between the two groups were not significant, except for two barriers among women. Dietary patterns of university students in the UK: a cross-sectional study. Less healthful dietary patterns were positively associated with lifestyle risk factors such as smoking, low physical activity and take-away consumption. This study also highlights a number of future research needs. Obesity is associated with a long list of chronic health conditions, many of which become more difficult to treat over time. statement and Ruby MB. Hung has authored more than 15+ scientific publications and served in numerous advisory roles.<br><br> Founder of Drug & Diet .
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