vim youcompleteme vs coc

My MacVim relied on a different Python and this was causing YouCompleteMe to crash. For Python I took a look at coc-python so looks like it supports plugins. A js file will be created and opened in a normal mode. vim-plug Vim vim-plug plug.vim autoload Linux: ~/.vim/autoload Windows: ~\vimfiles\autoload\plug.vim plugged coc.vim ccls, . YouCompleteMeVim7.3.584+, Vim7.4 YouCompleteMeclang3.3clangSVN, clang3.3 Google Language Server Protocol. I use neovim 0.5, nvim-lspconfig and rust-analyzer. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Vi is the first built text editor for the Unix environment. I am wondering if the grammar detection of COC can make me replace ale. What is the difference between the remap, noremap, nnoremap and vnoremap mapping commands in Vim? Can also set up ultisnips. Coc is the kitchen sink. For example, type the keyword document. I updated the g:ycm_server_python_interpreter option to point to the correct python and that fixed my issues. Specifically, is there any advantage of using both of them together? For many languages such as SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, omni completion will work out of the box. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? It supports connecting to LSP servers for linting. I was about to move away from vim for primetime development work after 15 years of using it until I found CoC. When you use the YouCompleteMe plugin, there are no keys to be pressed to auto-complete the code. YouCompleteme is a fast and comprehensive code completion and refactoring engine available for Vim editor. I will consider it carefully. You signed in with another tab or window. coc.nvim. Currently using cargo as ale linter because that seems to be the default. Makes it super easy to update one of them too, or pull then all down to another machine. Had no idea CoC did linting. I personally use use languageclient-neovim and it seems to work ok. Anyway thank you so much for answering. Step 2: Install the VIM Plugin Manager - Vundle It supports ALL languages on 17 IDEs and can write 30% or even more of the code for you, freeing up your time and ensuring you produce best-in-class software. - Ansible Language Server. As you type etc. It seemed too big. Innan du installerarkokos,Du mste se till att du har de ndvndiga beroenden p ditt system, nmligen vim 8 och hgre och nodversion 14.14 och hgre. It runs external linter programs via vimscript. This API bridging happens inside the global configuration file that you have defined in the stage above, the one called ~/ Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. As a, Native apps are all the rage, but web apps are better for accessibility and for, PyCharm is the IDE that many Pythonists choose over other alternatives like Visual Studio and. The Vim editor footer shows a label of the current mode youre on. UltiSnips and SuperTab play nice together, so you can then just bind UltiSnips to tab directly and everything will work out. I think the lsp completion/goto is handled much better in coc: I especially like that it adds more sources than only the language servers (like adding symbols in open documents, which I don't think ALE supports), it has fuzzy search in the completion candidates (absolute must imo). It haves lots of hidden gems, really needed to make coc.nvim more usable. Coc is an intellisense engine for VIM. You'd use Coc if you want one plugin to do everything. I was using coc with ale and intended to switch to coc full time, when I did that the only difference I noticed is virtual text is shown on all diagnostics instead of only the line which the courser is at, that's basically the only difference, Here are my configs Now press i to enter the *edit* mode and type any JavaScript keyword in the text editor and press *Ctrl + x* followed by *Ctrl + o*. And there are many, many linters available in ALE which do not support lsp. If you're using vim-plug to manage your plugins, you just need to add the following two entries to your .vimrc: Plug 'prabirshrestha/async.vim' Plug 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp' Auto-complete I don't think there's anything different. This is the folder where you manually compiled YCM. Does anyone else feel this way (or feel strongly differently)? You don't need linter for displayByAle to work. This Vim version must have Python version 3.6 runtime installed in your system. Edit: Just wanted to thank you all for your help, I finally switched to coc.nvim and it's AWESOME, if someone is thinking in switching just do it, it's worth it. Go to each link and see if you have installed the dependencies. The first mistake I made, when I was looking into this, was that I tried to work with the g:ycm_server_python_interpreter option, thinking that this was what was controlling the scope of my autocompletion. And coc supports languagues like Ruby easily while I never succeeded to get proper ruby completion in youcompleteme (which atm does not support lsp). To install the plugin, read the following instructions. It has multiple built-in completion engines, and developers can use it for any language without any specific language configuration. (by neoclide), A code-completion engine for Vim (by ycm-core). Compare nvim-cmp vs coc.nvim and see what are their differences. You can also include plugins to extend the Vim functionality by using the extensive plugins available in the market. So here it is: You set this up at VIM start up (in your .vimrc): In the above example, the most important bit is the g:ycm_extra_conf_vim_data variable. rev2023.3.3.43278. First, create a .js file using the command below. If Vim finds only one match, it will automatically complete the term. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? I use both (ALE only in Ruby/Python though), and enjoy them very much :) And I didn't even know about the displayByAle option.. Why you need to choose? I am still amazed. . The suggestions appear as and when you type something in the editor. Autocomplete is enabled for Javascript. Youll learn how to overcome these barriers in the next section. 16.05.2021 Leave a Comment. I really appreciate having the full power of an IDE with all the benefits of real vim (instant startup time, infinite configurability, in-terminal editing, lack of distracting UI elements, ). with youcompleteme enabled in tex file (using vimtex) I typed some letter for example \usepacakge { When I type the { , the error appears What actually happened? This plugin is node.js-based. These two python scopes are enterly different, please make sure to understand that bit very well, it will save you some pain. ALE on the other hand has first class support for linters (not using lsp), which is not what coc aims at (afaik). Here YouCompleteMe is bound to a different combination Ctrl n, but then that combination is bound to tab through SuperTab. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. With high quiality I means, the more context is considered in the completions, the better: When completing variables/constants, only those inside the current scope. It's perfect. Installera CoC i vim. *Coc.nvim* is another auto-completion plugin available for Vim editor. The other variables, g:ycm_python_interpreter_path and g:ycm_python_sys_path, you can name them whatever you want, as long as you keep it consistent across your workflow. First of all, install coc as in the README. So you just do: And you sould get the completion working. You can check this article to understand the difference between neovim and vim editor. Error detected while processing function 257_OnCompleteDone [5]..provider#python3#Call: line 18: Error invoking 'python_execute' on channel 4 (python3-script-host): There are six main modes in Vim editor, and the other six modes are variants of the main modes. CoC is great but it makes vimrc/init.vim a mess. to your account. Auto-completion is just the beginning; following references, finding definitions, refactoring, type checking and a lot more is lost when you stick to basic vim. And if you need any third party modules that are outside your project's python binary's scope, you can introduce them through the g:ycm_python_sys_path variable. DEV Community 2016 - 2023. Then you want to add support for your languages, this is mostly done via coc extensions. This tutorial will teach you how to use the Vim Code Completion tool for any language. For example, if in one version I can run "complete match arms" when the cursor is at the beginning of the match keyword, after an update, it no longer works, and I have to place the cursor to the closing } of the match, or somewhere else. YouCompleteMe coc.vim + coc-clangd. Also, you need to install various sources for auto-completion of different programming languages. Ideally an auto completion plugin support hard real-time (<1ms input delay) behavior, but this is not currently possible in luajit or vimscript (timer not accurate enough with ms range + garbage collection destroys every hard-realtime guarantees). YouCompleteMe, COC.VIM. to understand the difference between neovim and vim editor. To me coc provides the best out-of-the-box experience, and has the features I need (such as the ability to call non-standard commands like rust-analyzer.openCargoToml or rust-analyzer.expandMacro), however they change code action behavior in every few commits, which is driving me crazy. 9 Books on the Software Development Life Cycle, The biggest software engineering challenges your team faces, Why you should integrate AI into your dev processes, How to get better code predictions from AI. Now YouCompleteMe should work for C# files in that directory and you can build the project. My personal experience - my vimrc went from 300+ lines to just approx 100 lines after switching to coc. I consider this a must nowadays! You can use this plugin when you prefer to work with the, installed in your system to use the Coc.nvim plugin. and is slightly newer. Probably the lsp protocol will also never support those guarantees, as it is tricky+has overhead to get+communicate accurate timing informations for the requests. Is there an easy way to get a single auto completion working? A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua. Lets discover some of the auto-completion engine plugins available. For Vim enthusiasts and anyone interested in Vim. Youve learned how to install and use the auto-completion plugin in the Vim editor. It only takes a minute to sign up. To compile the project from inside Vim: :!xbuild Troubleshooting. While using the advanced plugins, the suggestions are based on context rather than standardized. You can customize the Vim editor by setting the configurations using the .vimrc file. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? It is the following bit from the documentation: Now press the *Enter* key. Other languages such as C and PHP will also take advantage of a tags . I don't write node or js apps or interfaces, I mainly code server-side c++, rust, and python. quick.nvim doesn't ship with any default coc plugins though, so you have to install the ones you want to use. Install Vundle for vim. Manually writing every line of code is not only an avoidably complex chore but also a time-wasting one. What do you mean? Some popular features include. Are you sure you want to hide this comment? - :stars: Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim/Vim8, ansible-language-server I installed it and unexpectedly found two binaries on my path I didn't expect and had to manually clean them out. YouCompleteMe offers two ways to pass data to the completer engine: Through a located inside your project. I have jedi (but not jedi-language-server), pylint, coc-python installed but not working. Any ideas? That's all, you are all set. If you want to make the auto-complete permanent, you can add this command to your .vimrc file. How to handle a hobby that makes income in US, Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. Its always trivial to get rid if I want to and my config is never polluted. lint, syntax check, autocomplete) and feeds the results back to CoC to display in Vim. Initially I was hesitant to move to coc. It is designed for use both from the command line and GUI. - A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua. Movie with vikings/warriors fighting an alien that looks like a wolf with tentacles. Sadly, coc won't install cleanly on CentOS 7, Sadly, coc wont install cleanly on CentOS 7. Why are physically impossible and logically impossible concepts considered separate in terms of probability? So i tried to manually delete it. YouCompleteMe As warsong mentioned pip install neovim For C family language completion: cd ~/.config/nvim/plugged/YouCompleteMe ./ I ran separately, hadn't seen nifty one-liner method Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe', { 'do': './' } Share Improve this answer Follow Since it does that, it also offers some other LSP functionality like completion. The only positive thing I could find about ALE is that it supports more linters than CoC. You got the gist of it, but it is way cooler imo. Vim editor will show the possible auto-complete suggestions. nvim-cmp BTW, as someone implied yes, unfortunately I didn't have time to read all the README nor the manual, that's why I'm asking, I'll do before switching of course. 6 29,547 9.9 Vim Script coc.nvim VS Vim The official Vim repository ruby. How is Jesus " " (Luke 1:32 NAS28) different from a prophet (, Luke 1:76 NAS28)? $ cd build # Read CMakeLists.txt and generate native build files. 6 19,925 10.0 Ruby coc.nvim VS ruby The Ruby Programming Language [mirror] . That means that you can use the same tools to talk to gopls as you do to talk to tsserver. The reason I'm asking this because I hate junk files on my machine. It is essentially the same awesome engine. I use youcompleteme with vim since forever. LunarVim My vim was getting really slow and heavy so ive been testing / removing / installing a few plugins. This is how you can enable and use the auto-complete feature of Vim editor to write Javascript programs. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. To install the plugin, read the following. when I was using YCM, to go through the auto-complete options tab used to work. VIM is available under the Vim license, which is, through a particular clause that allows the distribution of modified copies under the, Vim supports multiple text editing functionalities by default. When writing programs using the vim editor, the syntax highlighting functionality works out of the box and highlights the keywords based on the selected file type. Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2, How to effectively work with multiple files in Vim, How to replace a character by a newline in Vim, Tab key == 4 spaces and auto-indent after curly braces in Vim. The auto-complete suggestions are based on the file type youre working with because of the identifier-based engine available in YouCompleteMe. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. My main language is Python (the most problematic with completion engines), but I also use Rust, Javascript, Typescript, Shell script (Bash and Fish) and (every time less and less, but still) C. I also like to try new languages from time to time, or like to contribute to OSS projects when I have time, so the ability to add languages via plugin is a must. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. $ cmake .. # Build project and generate executable in bin/ directory. Vundle YCM . Contribute to AlanJui/coc-nvim development by creating an account on GitHub. What are the strengths of both of the plugins. CoC runs forked versions of vscode extensions, whereas ALE uses language servers directly. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. but when both are enabled, completion does not work and syntastic does not show any errors. 10 seconds to startup looks a lot to me, but I guess it's a YMMV. I used to use YouCompleteMe with Vim, then switched to deoplete on Neovim, because deoplete was easier to extend without having to maintain a fork and the user experience was pretty much the same. Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables?