the writer is considering deleting sentence 7

19 So let's see what this previous paragraph is about. The basis for this, however, lies in the fact that organisms of a trophic structure/ecosystem consume each other; they feed on each other to survive (e.g. Overall, the author develops the significance of the Boston Navy Yard's transformation during World War I by providing historical context, describing specific events and changes at the Navy Yard, and highlighting the impact of the Yard's actions on the war effort. And finally Choice D. Is incorrect as well because um other information also tells us how far Calloway came in his life. Is the method free of biases? In simpler terms. The author also highlights the impact of the Yard's actions on the war effort. Jennifer is interested in training two of her new puppies to participate in agility competitions. A modifier clause depicts or gives more data about the action word lets us know when, where, how, how much, or under what condition something is going on. In some sense, Bierce presents readers with an unreliable third-person narrator. In sentence 7 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the underlined text. For the investigation, they used an instrument that evaluates satisfaction. DDT is able to persist in an environment (as a pollutant) in part due to a phenomenon known as biological magnification. This textbook answer is only visible when subscribed! ' N; 4p/0N~p(VOpsI(n^[nECM\?dAmV[Rx/%\S?Wz RUq)l=plHN)cw A Yes, because it introduces information that is irrelevant at this point in the passage B Yes, because it does not logically follow from the previous paragraph C No, because it provides a logical introduction to the paragraph D 21 We're talking about ways that we address environmental problems, 22 um, how we can stop polluting the environment and the waterways. the rocks change shapes as a result of the pushing and pulling of seafloor spreading. The writer is considering adding the following sentence to the passage after sentence 3. Kennedy's transformation and display of sayings such as higher the hair closer to heaven celebrated the daily experiences of salon patrons, reinforcing the self-esteem of stylist. No, because it sets up the argument in the paragraph for the benefits of Greek yogurt. one strategy the university has chosen to attract new students is to demonstrate to prospective students the happiness of its current students (operationally defined as how the students rated their satisfaction with various services offered by the university on a scale of 110). The writer is considering deleting the underlined independent clause in sentence 7 (reproduced below), adjusting the punctuation as necessary. The dependent variable is how they puppies perform each day. If you drop a nickel into a slot machine and nothing happens, you're going to keep looking at it with disappointment and expectation. The writer is considering deleting the underlined independent clause in sentence 7 (reproduced below), In a classic experiment, students who watched their schools compete in a football game subsequently. The 30th percentile for the prices of motorcycles of this type corresponds to a value of Z = -0.52. (11) But, when the stakes are high, the risks of making biased decisions are simply too great. Here is how delete questions are constructed: The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Complete the following outline by identifying from whose perspective each part of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is told. Forest kindergartens have been popular in Europe for decadesGermany, for instance, has over 1,000 such schoolsbut only a handful currently exist in the United States. We want to know if the if we should delete the underlying portion. Get 5 free video unlocks on our app with code GOMOBILE. identify a truism that you have heard or read many times that is worth defending, qualifying, or challenging. Healthy source of food, 6 good calcium and protein, low fat, 7 low calories, low sugar, um, 8 more protein per serving. Should the writer make this deletion? c) show that a motorcycle priced at $25,000 would be considered an outlier by the 1.5 x iqr rule. So if we eliminate the underlying section, this passage suddenly talks from a talks about discussion of specific African American players, and it talked about . It is preferable to use a neutral sounding one such as the one stated above: By only saying that there is a negative relationship between the two variables. What figure of speech is contained in the expression above? 3. No, because it continues the explanation of how acid whey can be disposed of safely. Okay. The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Ggtx` \S Coming directly after a sentence that discusses jobs. We need this explanation Otherwise readers would be confused. the rocks are composed of different materials depending on when they formed. In the passage Boston Navy Yard and the Great War, 1914-1918, the author describes the history of the Boston Navy Yard. City university is eager to attract new students. The effect here is that the reader believes Farquhar has truly escaped and made it home. The phrase above was uttered by the Canadian in the book, "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas Revised" By Jules Verne. The teacher is the teach to the students. The A. C. T. Practice tests five we're told that the writer is considering making a deletion. Write a dialogue between two friends who are talking about their preparation for final Examination.. the purpose of their visit (e.g. And so this makes sense, right? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Abusiness journal reports that the probability that internet users in the united states will use a mobile payment app is 0.60. the journal claims this indicates that out of 5 randomly selected internet users, 3 will use the mobile payment app. In the passage "Boston Navy Yard and the 'Great War,' 1914-1918," the author presents a detailed account of the history of the Boston Navy Yard, specifically focusing on its transformation during World War I. 16 Imagine that a famous person recently visited your school. Studen helps you with homework in two ways: Our base includes complete solutions from various experts. 15 So off the top of our heads, right? In sentence 7 (reproduced below), the writer is considering adding the parenthetical phrase " (another hazard to humans in cars)" after the word "off." In fact, often street lights are shut off in order to decrease the number of mayflies congregating near them. terminology used in the following sentence. 17 Now, if we look at a, it says that we should delete the sentence, 18 because it does not provide a transition from the previous paragraph. This information provides a clear understanding of the importance of the Navy Yard in the war and its impact on the outcome of the war. the rocks contain iron that points in the direction the rocks move away from the ridge. In a classic experiment, students who watched their schools compete in a football game subsequently remembered the adversary's team performing worse than their own confirmatio (3), While previous theories speculated that people can only acquire a new language at a. young age, new research supports a different perspective. This is convenient to attract new students and not change to another study center. In sentence 3 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the underlined portion, adjusting the punctuation as necessary. to give a performance, workshop, demonstration or deliver a By representing the scenes of Peyton's dream as reality, the narrator toys with the reader's emotions. %PDF-1.6 % The dependent variable is a variable that could change due to the independent variable. <> Mhm. Why would a prism beat a sphere in a competition, Summarize Millers thoughts on technologys role in peoples outdoor proficiency.. Zeetopia and Freshland are two small tropical islands that use the same amounts of resources to produce mangoes and coconuts as shown in the table below. So this is about development for development questions we have to consider context. concept being discussed in the paragraph. The students are the learn as the under the guidance of the teacher. 13. ( change into passive ), rode, said, told, caught, gave, knew, wroteJulius Caesar, the emperor of ancient Rome, ___ his army in secret code. (a) Describe the importance of phenotypic variation in louse body color among individuals in a population of lice. C) Deleted, because it blurs the paragraph's main focus with a loosely related detail. These materials are part of a College Board program. what change have they observed in her? what you admired about the person or learnt from the person's visit. Write your definition here. He criticized the journey because at that time the Nautilus was stuck in the ice and could no longer move forward. this problem problem nine. O8f=;q$G!d/F!&N@I, r-#. Is incorrect because the information does relate to the topic and we can also eliminate Choice B. This textbook answer is only visible when subscribed! 6 0 obj We need this explanation Otherwise readers would be confused. The main characterizing normal for a clause is that it should contain a connected subject and action word. Should the sentence be kept or deleted?A) Kept, because it provides a logical transition between ideas in the paragraph.B) Kept, because it explains why Westerns are now less popular than Zombie films are.C) Deleted, because it is not directly related to the paragraph's focus on Zombie films.D) Deleted, because it undermines the passage's claim about the declining popularity of Westerns. {K\k,Nm=IF#Pkstlk],Z7(xcCb B_q)6NTf=_zx uZdg,#x]\T&b&9Lvfz`w!=j)4`[)%:5GzWAcYz VV_bWcoX9s\FzNq3'pFp*pJdTpe?|Yh@'4N%1-EPpfv@s>,1ZpV=g]k&`A8gqFW0z+ &$ qX,Dr'I 6V=6O=.*H oGW#@K aB2 +KRQS3)$[ueEAnq5YhB@! Should the sentence be kept . Use or distribution of these materials online or in print beyond your. h jwn0x'H;Lf%mmnsnkmO His messages ___ the army what to schools participation in the program is prohibited. The College Board. In paragraph 36 of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," Bierce shifts from past tense to present tense. A common clause comprises of a subject and a syntactic predicate, the last ordinarily an action word express, an action word with any items and different modifiers. Please subscribe to view the answer, The writer is considering deleting the following clause from the preceding sentence (placing a period after the word racetrackwhere he walked . in the survey, she asked students to report their current college grade point average (gpa). Take this to my army. Try it in the Numerade app? In sentence 10 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the underlined parenthetical text. Mhm. (14) The first is to be aware that our decisions may be affected by our, tendency toward confirmation bias. it is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. Bierce writes that "now he sees another scene . 25 The conservation methods are what we talked about in the previous paragraph. Since, mean, = $14,000 and standard deviation, = $4,000, the standard variable Z or x = $15,000 will be: We then check the table and see that it implies that Molly can buy 60% of the available motorcycles. he stands at the gate of his own home." Interpretation is usually done during the discussion part of a research journal, after the statistical results have been reported. For instance, in paragraph five, a shift occurs when Peyton Farquhar closes his eyes right before he is to be hung. Okay. Coming directly after a sentence that discusses jobs. (12) An example of a high-. A) Kept, because it provides a logical transition between ideas in the paragraph. For example, Dr. Aguilera used a 5-point scale to measure the student's anxiety levels; there is a possibility of central tendency bias occurring. %PDF-1.7 Also remember that this is not causation - we do not know which variable causes changes at the other. A correlation coefficient of 0.00 means that there is no relationship between two variables. Punctuation fills our composition with quiet inflection. consumers feeding on producers, higher-level consumers feeding on lower-level consumers, etc.). Spend 30 minutes on this section. 20 Right? Just like in America, the colonists here had their way with the native women, as colonist often do (21). B. A sentence can have only one clause or it can have various clauses. Now question six is asking us if we should delete the topic sentence of 2 this paragraph, which says, though, these conservation methods can be time costly and time 3 consuming. And finally Choice D. Is incorrect as well because um other information also tells us how far Calloway came in his life. (2) However, because of the phenomenon known as, confirmation bias, logical decision-making is rarely so simple. Our brains are aroused each time our phones buzz because of the unpredictability of what pops up on the screen: since any alert might signal something extraordinary, dopamine is released each time even though most alerts don't amount to much. of the sentence to the rest of the paragraph. Because information um is irrelevant. Subjects who have lower current GPAs have higher anxiety scores. Support your answer with Truisms are statements presented as facts that are supposed to be self-evident or understood through common sense. who the person is and why they are well-known (e.g. If she did so, the paragraph would primarily lose: A. inform. The average sale price (online) for four year old harley davidson touring motorcycles is approximately normally distributed with a mean of $14,000 and a standard deviation of $4,000.a) molly has saved up $15,000 to spend on a motorcycle. Snapsolve any problem by taking a picture. Though the phenomenon has been observed throughout history by philosophers, historians, and novelists, the term "confirmation bias" itself wasn't invented until the 1960s by British psychologist Peter Wason. School's superiority to interpret what they had seen as support for their preexisting beliefs, Should the writer keep or delete the underlined text in the form of: A clause is a gathering of words that contains a subject and an action word that have a relationship. The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 7 (reproduced below), adjusting the punctuation as needed. B) Kept, because it provides an additional example of a community stakeholder with whom transportation planners work. A. Which of the following quotes from Heart of Darkness contains sarcasm? The writer. The algorithm's runtime has been divided into two main categories are given below. $tCJh4D YU,a% The writer is considering deleting the underlined independent clause in sentence 7 (reproduced below), adjusting the punctuation as necessary. It means that he is looking at her as if he is expecting something. In language, a clause is a constituent that connects a semantic predicand and a semantic predicate. (9) Here, too, subjects interpretations were found to be affected by decisions they had already made about what they were being, (10) Confirmation bias does admittedly have its uses: it can, for example, increase the efficiency with which we, process information and also protect us against information that might be damaging to our self-esteem. A .64 is usually described as moderate to strong, depending on which reference you are using. We first need to know that he worked at the track. A) Kept, because it provides a detail that supports the main topic of the paragraph. This feels to be the way he is looking at the narrator, as if she is disappointing him or he is waiting for her to give him results.