difference between holding a grudge and not forgetting

His reset button approach was oh, so, polite and made me crazy, though. Still, forgiveness is possible even if reconciliation isn't. %%EOF I have come a long way since then but I needed to finally put the fantasy in my head to rest once and for all so I texted him to ask if he wanted to catch up. The difference is that Ive chosen to use this painful experience to grow as a person and that usually means letting go of the past and never looking back. And not in a self-righteous, look Im better than you because Ive forgiven you, you lowlife way, but in a genuine, humble way. Now if I were to ask you, your advice, on a friend who is funny, nice, who takes me out biking (best positive activity i have done for eons) BUT who goes on about women as if they are meat, who talks to me in one glance, but then is always looking at other women or scantily clad women on the tv, with another glance, who i catch checking my body parts out regularly, and unashamedly, who makes his hugs last a lil too long (yak) who is now using his biking knowledge and lending me a very decent bike as his control lever to keep going out with him (I am saving for my own fucking bike thanks, mate) and that I just have this uneasy, queasy feeling of being leched upon, and that I just want to untangle myself from him, and his unfolding character .would you tell me Im just making it a bigger deal than what it is, and to stay and just reaffirm my boundries of friendship only? The first step is to honestly assess and acknowledge the wrongs you've done and how they have affected others. When someone points out your habit, you may be blamed with good reason. In other cases, reconciliation might not be appropriate. Toxic people, narcissists, and passive-aggressive people know they are hurtful. 2020; doi:10.11124/JBISRIR-D-19-00286. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2017/01/ce-corner.aspx. On some level what he did made you cringe, yet you are second guessing yourself. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. We can gradually learn to let go of the hurt, anger and resentment, and hold on to the positive insights we have the opportunity to gain each time. Holding a grudge can be harmful to your physical and mental health. Stand up for what you believe in. If you can find the strength, run, dont walk. They prevent the other party from repairing the relationship. I couldnt seem to break free. The bible also says to flee sexual immorality. I pray he finds what he wants in this life but I realise his divorce messed him up bigtime but it is not my responsibility to fix anyone we make decisions in life and we deal with the consequences. Unsubscribe at any time. Have I forgiven them? , look Im better than you because Ive forgiven you, you lowlife. Synonym for grudge Grudge = Feeling of hatred/anger Ex: (Your ex-girlfriend keys your car) I will hold a grudge forever! It takes skill and practice to get good at that, I believe. Narc with more baggage than an airport. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). "You might plan to get together with a friend or go out with your boyfriend, but then decide to cancel at the last minute, just because you don't feel right about it or aren't "up to it," Habash said. When you try to set a boundary and say you wont do it, they complain youre holding a grudge. Im especially proud of you for considering your daughters feelings. My ex never took drugs, lazed around drinking beer in his undershirt and never even hit me. Anyway, sorry to get all Biblical on yall (came from an unlikely source, eh ladies and fellas? I was strict NC with him for a really long time but even that became a non issue as time went on. Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for improved health and peace of mind. Holding a grudge can be harmful to your physical and mental health. Until one day, after months, or years, that dealer comes back. Lavender, If youre struggling, try thinking of the STDs he may be carrying around with him. Its important that you listen to your gut. today I can say I have learned how to communincate with her and how to communicate with myself to not fall into feeling like nothing as you pointed out. And I didnt. If I dont keep reading the blogs and referring back to the No Contact Rule book that I downloaded, I can easily go back to my amnesia, not only about this relationship but also the ones in my past!! I am extremely not saying hes a bad guy or he shoulda, woulda, coulda. You will not get it. It brought back every bad feeling I ever had when I was a little girl. He had no answer to that so I walked away. I only need to validate me. Is your opinion of that behavior good or bad? *Wear a rubber band and whenever you think of your ex, snap it on your wrist. I think in Natalies earlier blog posts she talks about how we are usually attracted to people that somehow fulfill our beliefs about relationships/or qualities that we ourselves have or things we value. Can this still apply if you have children with your ex? Talking through things with the person in question or working through things with the assistance of a trained professional can help you move forward, once and for all. Write it on the bathroom mirror if you have to. It sounds like youre dismissing the red flags because you are attracted to him. Even the Bible says that we should freely forgive, but ONLY those who are repentant (i.e., are sorry for what theyve done and who DONT repeat the offending action). I did the right thing at first by going no contact for a year. A truly, kind, genuine man, would not refer to women as loose and sluts, or joke about having many on the go. You made the right decision. Then watch Luke and Rapha Castro give their unique and direct take on love every Saturday 3pm on My Channel S. I learned to do without her when I was about 8. Q R$::00% B@,6 :S;c889^L3az?YB3xR08Zq@` o% Courtney- thank you so much for your wisdom I know I need to stay out of them soooooo hard. On to a better candidate. I did fall for him and did feel an emotional connection even though he is EUM so we became friends then my feelings grew and i thought his did too and we got along much better, until he said he wasnt interested in relationship but kept emailing calling. Its driving me a bit crazy! It also doesn't necessarily mean making up with the person who caused the harm. In my situation, we both have grown. You have to accept that sometimes ignorance is indeed bliss. the person who told you that is wrong. the biggest betrayal of all is when a parent cant really love. Unfortunately this is a case of When they tell you who they are, believe them. hes a carbon copy of many of the people discussed on this site; not so special or unique! Sparkle that video is really emotional to watch for me, having been where that woman was too. But manipulative and controlling and trying to use the reset button. Its a choice. Is it your mother, your sister, your significant other who is toxic or shows signs of narcissism? And its SPOT ON. When you share your feelings and your legitimate feelings make another person defensive, you are not being blamed for holding a grudge. If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could Say no to blaming yourself for who people are. 30 Signs That Someone Isnt Interested Or Is Half-Heartedly Interested In You: How To Avoid Being a Passing-Time Candidate. He blew hot and cold, he made promises, he cancelled dates all the red flags that Natalie has alerted us to. When I knew someone was treating me with disrespect and disregard, it helped me to think about myself as being my own daughter. But we really need to forgive ourselves. You may opt-out of email communications at any time by clicking on He emailed last night and it didnt make me feel better. If your first reaction is negative, it's likely that there is an underlying reason that you feel that way, even if you can't recall what that reason is.". Why he would want to is another question you dont have to worry about unless youre still with him. Appreciate you writing this. I agree 100%! You see Magnolia, this is what I was saying before. Its not there. He didnt care about you before, so why would he care now? If youre mostly concerned with the other person understanding where you were coming from and ensuring that they see your side of things, thats another potential sign that you might be holding a grudge. Why should it be any different w people? . In the distant (or not-so-distant) past, someone hurt you. In my opinion its ALL there when you look behind the curtain. Choose to forgive the person who's offended you. You need to handle this with as much clarity and dignity as you can muster, and you know whats best. (I was afraid they would turn against me). That doesnt work, and so I was pouty. Drawing a relational boundary doesn't require a grudge. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up for our newsletter and receive our top articles Thats the tricky part. My ex told me to stop treating him like a stranger and that we should just be nice to each other erm, you cheated on me and abused me physically and emotionally HELLOOO!?? Im not a helpless, vulnerable child any more, yet cant bring myself to name them individually when I pray. . I also dont think asses make good friend material. Getting Real About Recognising Inappropriate Relationship Behaviour: He Doesn't Need To Cheat (or Be 2005-2023 BAGGAGE RECLAIM. I ended up finding out things that still haunt me today. privacy practices. He couldnt even buy a coffee without being all charming and seductive with the girl behind the counter. But often the most challenging aspect of getting hurt is letting go of any lingering resentment after you forgive them. I have not been to therapy, but I have researched her behavior thoroughly. But now they seem different, rebilitated. Not an easy road, but doable. I deal with this a lot. In my mind I think that how hes acting is immature and offensive, but for some reason I truly cant get myself to believe that he is being genuine with this crazy stuff. All rights reserved. Get Your Copy Now! I am VERY happy for you. Except I was thinking that maybe I am just seeing bad things in this new guy because of the old one being so bad.. Forgiveness is to be a liberator, an emancipator, a freer of spirits once shackled by mistakes of the past. Teachable, I would block his email on Facebook. Merci. Your behavior as a mother is scrutinized by your children so you should want to always set a good example for them to follow. grudge - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. I trusted them whilst in then depths of the on off emotional roller coaster ride of a relationship and it seems now that I was fabricating everything and the reason he treated me so badly was because it was my fault. The word grudge is typically used to refer to such a feeling when it has been held for a long period of timeoften longer than is considered normal. Are you sure it wouldnt be an excuse to stay connected? Or would you advise me to run as fast as I can, nevermind hang around to go cycling?? It is just getting through the days, not checking phone, email etc. Feeling bitter, ignoring that person, getting angry about unrelated things, and thinking about them negatively are all signs you could still be holding a grudge. So we fool ourselves unless we pay 100% attention to our thoughts and actions. If you're unable to move forward without feeling embittered or angry when you think about the incident, then you're probably harboring a grudge. This isnt the Hokey Cokey (or Pokey)! and then me saying, okay, fine, and then forgetting it all, never bringing it up, and acting like it never happened. To hold a grudge is to have and maintain a feeling of anger, bitterness, or resentment toward someone for something they did, especially a wrong that you think they committed against you. NOTHING, time to live in present and learn/forget my painful past! As such, you can follow your conscience and what you think is wise. Tinkerbell- I read your post yesterday, unsure how to reply as I havent been in your shoes. Bring anger and bitterness into new relationships and experiences. What are you bearing grudges for? Do you think its mature behavior? If you dwell on hurtful events or situations, grudges filled with resentment and hostility can take root. Grudges are toxic to relationships. If you have a parent, friend, *someone* in your life that feels perpetually disappointed in you and maybe even feels entitled to make their feelings and issues your problem, its okay to say no to this malarkey.Dont forget that my book, The Joy of Saying No: A Simple Plan to Stop People Pleasing, Reclaim Boundaries, and Say Yes to the Life You Want is out now. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that allows you to focus on yourself and helps you go on with life. No mother its you. My mother, who is in poor health and very demanding and lazy, expected me to step into my grandmothers role of basically being her punching bag. she is at the core of my estrangemnt frm my son (iniated by my son as much he doesnt know & I cannot tell him or will only taumatise him). This is the test to see if you're really holding a grudge. Sometimes, you may find that youre holding a grudge even if youre doing so unintentionally. I want to be a grown up too but, dang, your inner little girl is fun!!! I like to be a generous, supportive and caring person and this was exploited because I actually never got the care, respect, affection, appreciation and cooperation/teamwork I wanted and worked so hard for in the relationship.