137th infantry regiment roster

They stayed put and awaited orders to move. Due to allied aerial superiority, no enemy air attacks were encountered. The 2nd Infantry Division was now on the left of the 35th, with the 29th Division as Corps reserve. Casualties of the 137th Infantry for the two days fighting were 13 killed, 61 wounded and 6 missing on Monday 17 July 1944, and 11 killed, 57 wounded and 7 missing on the 18th. Fox, William F. and Sickles, Daniel Edgar. On 7 March 1885, the Kansas Volunteer Militia became the Kansas National Guard.[1]. At the time the Regimental Commander was wounded, Lt. RICHARD H. NEDDERSEN Colonel, Infantry USAR Commanding April 25, 1955 Digitized by Google. It was part of the Kansas Army National Guard and has served with distinction in the Philippine Insurrection, World War I, and World War II. The collection contains George Hazard's official Civil War service papers and diary in photocopy and the original of a drawing of Jeffersonville Army Hospital and grounds in Jeffersonville, Ind. This page was last edited on 14 June 2022, at 10:06. John W. Leedy, the governor of Kansas, issued a call for volunteers to fight in the SpanishAmerican War on 26 April 1898, as soon as war was declared. Hyde, J.S. Located at the Indiana Historical Society. R. SEARS, Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. The artillery and infantry regiments were composed of freed slaves, enlisted into United States service, and credited as being Alabama organizations. [1] Service [ edit] The 147th Infantry Regiment is an infantry regiment of the Ohio Army National Guard. Headquarters and Headquarters Company: Kansas City, Kansas. He also discussed the fate of fellow soldier, William E. Hopkins, who was captured in action at Chancellorsville. Finding aid available athttp://www.lib.montana.edu/collect/spcoll/findaid/2508.php. Woods, Francis H. Correspondence,1863-1865. Lo, then notified the artillery who demolished the building. The diary concludes with the 60th New York on their campaign into North Carolina and the surrender of the Confederate army of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. from Business Insider: We also filled sandbags and did guard duty (without weapons). Book/Printed Material A short history and illustrated roster of the 112th infantry, army of the United States, Colonel George C. Rickards commanding, 1917 . 1992. The 1st Battalion was then maneuvered to the left of the 3rd, and both battalions reorganized. If the soldier was killed in action, then KIA is shown. On 1 October it was consolidated with the 2nd Infantry Regiment of the Kansas National Guard to become the 137th Infantry, part of the 35th Division. This page has been viewed 1,843 times (0 via redirect). All of the letters, written from Savannah, 1865, concern Scofield's role in the march from Atlanta to Savannah. 182 p. : ill., maps ; 21 cm. Jeffers, Ira S.Ira S. Jeffers Letter, 1864 : 137th New York Volunteer Infantry. Colonel Alexander, 1st Battalion Commander, was wounded and Lt Colonel Stowers assumed command of the battalion. The 37th was broken up on 11 June 1918, when Division HQ, HQ Troop, the 134th Machine Gun Battalion and 137th Infantry Brigade began a move to the Port of Embarkation at Hoboken, New Jersey. Includes detailed letters / reports on the engagement of troops of the 137th New York Infantry Regiment at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Son of Elias H. McNiel & Julia A. HISTORY OF THE 112th INFANTRY This book contains the photographs of the officers and soldiers of the 112th Infantry. He also mentions the battles at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. At 1920 on 10 July 1944, the Regiments first casualty as a result of enemy fire occurred. If you find that the veteran is absent from the base, you can save it by clicking here (*) Phone: (518) 581-5100 | Fax: (518) 581-5111. These forces received heavy fire from enemy 88mm artillery regularly during the day, although at 1145 our own artillery knocked out two enemy mobile 88s. 106, [2] p. Lo opposite the 29th Division. With the 3rd Battalion established 200 yards north of Highway 2, main road to St. 44-50. Lieutenant Simpson was immediately recommended General Sebree to receive the Bronze Star. On 1 April 1963, the battle groups were redesignated as battalions. Working on the front lines, and not waiting for the enemy fire to cease before going to the soldiers assistance, these men are subjected to every hazard of the Infantryman. At 2300 enemy bombers made an appearance over the 3rd Battalion area and dropped several bombs. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Fennell, Charles C.The attack and defense of Culp's Hill : Greene's Brigade at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. June 10, 1865, the men not to be mustered out with the regiment were transferred to the 102d Infantry. These two members of Company A observed a disabled tank in an area in which they knew an artillery barrage was due to fall. In the center is a gold bar or baton. It represents the baton of a marshal of France. Gale, Andrew H.Civil War letters and diary of Andrew H. Gale of the 137th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. Lo, with the 1st Battalion still in Division reserve. The alphabetical listings on these web pages includes the soldier's Last Name, Located at the Neville Public Museum of Brown County, Green Bay, WI. The 1st attack the 137th made was on the morning of 11 July 1944, and they made small gains at the cost of 12 killed, 96 wounded, and 18 missing. Visibility was poor, and aerial support was called off, but the artillery support remained excellent. Callendar based on the book "35th Infantry Division Roster POE to POE". Civil War Miscellaneous Collection 58th Regiment Infantry. On 1 May 1989, the regiment was withdrawn from the Combat Arms Regimental System and reorganized under the United States Army Regimental System. Outstanding leadership shown by enlisted men has resulted in numerous recommendations for battlefield appointment as 2nd Lieutenant. While administering aid, he himself was hit by shrapnel, but continued to treat their wounds and remained with them for an hour in the midst of fire until they were evacuated. Company F also encountered an enemy patrol during the night. Forty prisoners were taken. Also recommended for the Distinguished Service Cross and for battlefield promotion to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant is Technical Sergeant Claude A. Hupp of Overbrook, Kansas, a Platoon Sergeant of Company M. On 13 July, after several unsuccessful attempts of his platoon to cross a field which the Germans had well covered with machine gun fire, and after his Platoon Leader was killed, Sergeant Hupp determined the location of the enemy emplacements, obtained a light machine gun, and firing from the hip, killed three Germans. 61 Lake Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 The Department of Defense, Office of Heraldry later passed a rule that there could be no changes made to insignia after World War II. Items in the museum collection arein bold. The total enrollment of the regiment was 1111, of whom 6 officers and 121 men, were killed and mortally wounded11.4 per cent. Our casualties on this day were the heaviest yet, with 21 killed, 87 wounded and 17 missing in action. Albert Bayless was the source of the original letters, electronic files sourtesy of Robert Bowen. It was evident that the hedgerows so common in Normandy were being used to the maximum in the plan of the German defense. Forwarded in compliance with provisions of paragraph 1, letter Headquarters FUSA, 13 July 1944, 319.1/401 (C), subject: Action Against Enemy, Reports After/After Action Reports. After minor patrolling in Alsace-Lorraine, they moved north to fight in the Battle of the Bulge on 26 December 1944. They were sworn in as commissioned officers at 1500 and assigned to their original companies. [1] Many of the enlisted soldiers and most of the Regiment's Officers were sent to Vietnam as replacements to regular army units. rank, Army Serial Number, and medals and awards earned by the soldier. To Captain Roger Heller, the author, my sincere appreciation for a most unusual and outstanding performance. The following is taken fromThe Union army: a history of military affairs in the loyal states, 1861-65 -- records of the regiments in the Union army -- cyclopedia of battles -- memoirs of commanders and soldiers. The Germans launched Operation Lttich, a counterattack against Mortain, to contain the Allied breakout from Normandy, and they met heavy opposition from the American forces. The 2nd Battalion operating in the vicinity of le Carrillon, advanced 600 yards at one point. FORT RILEY, Kan. - The Kansas Army National Guard's 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 137th Infantry Regiment, "First Kansas," redesignated as the 1st Battalion, 635th Armor Regiment during a virtual ceremony Oct. 17. 137th Infantry Regiment 11 February 2016; 141st Infantry Regiment; 141st Infantry 26 April 2011; 143d Infantry Regiment; 143d Infantry 12 December 2014; 148th Infantry Regiment; 148th Infantry Regiment 12 September 2013; 149th Infantry Regiment; 149th Infantry Regiment 23 July 2012; 153d Infantry Regiment; After the first few days of the battle replacements were received regularly, both officers and enlisted men. The Bronze Star has been recommended for Lieutenant Strong for outstanding leadership under fire. The 137th fought here from 713 August, and they suffered 23 killed, 140 wounded, and 40 missing in action. The fourth letter reveals that all the troops are elated over the recent peace terms and everyone is anxious to return home. Mustered out: June 9, 1865. The attack jumped off at 0600 after an artillery preparation from 600 guns. It brought 456 men to the field. He was of great assistance to the Battalion Commander in keeping him informed, and he helped reorganize his own company after the Company Commander and Executive Officer had become casualties. The gallant defense of Culp's hill by Greene's brigade, and the terrible execution inflicted by its musketry on the assaulting column of the enemy, form one of the most noteworthy incidents of the war. Arizona, Fort Huachuca, Tombstone Arizona. On the 20th, 8 prisoners were taken. It left on the 27th, 1,007 strong, for Harper's Ferry, and was there assigned to the 3d brigade, 2nd (Geary's) division,the "White Star" division12th corps, to which it was attached throughout the whole period of its active service. 53rd Regiment Infantry. Hazard, George Riley. At 2200 the 2nd Battalion relieved the 1st Battalion who reverted to reserve. During the period 11-17 July, he constantly kept the radio in operation, despite enemy fire. The regiment and brigade became a part of the 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized). The main effort for the Division was made by the 134th Infantry, on the Division left, who were committed for the first time. Accession 40908. Also includes a typed transcript of the letter. The Roster shows the soldier's Rank, Army Serial Number (Dog Tag Number) and Duty. The regimental I & R Platoon had been given its first full mission on this operation, and first encountered enemy machine gun fire south of Conde sur Vire. An alert 3rd Battalion observer watched 45 Germans, with full equipment, enter a house northeast of St. Subject: Action Against Enemy, Reports After/After Action Reports. The Germans, in their rapid withdrawal, left behind great quantities of weapons, ammunition and assorted materiel. service. One officer, Lt. George P. Brown, was killed on this day. 56th Regiment Infantry. 137th New York Infantry, Co.K.Letters (1862-1863). The Battalion was sent to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and then to the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California for pre-deployment training. [6] On 25 July, the regiment witnessed the beginning of Operation Cobra, and Allied bombers bombed German positions right near friendly lines. The regiment soon arrived in England on 25 May 1944, and then into the frontline in Normandy on 8 July 1944. This can include photographs, letters, articles and other non-book materials. 28 JULY 1944 On the 28th, the 35th Division became part of V Corps, and resumed the attack at 1000. The Battalion Commander officially reported his position at 0733 Tuesday morning as being in the bend of the river south of Rampan. July 1996. The 20th Kansas was slated to take part in the Fifth Philippine Expedition on 27 October 1898, and 2nd and 3rd Battalions arrived in Manila on 5 December, and the 1st Battalion arrived on 6 December. The regiment maintained contact with the retreating enemy, and prepared to resume the attack at 0530 the following morning, August 1. Army. It includes personnel lists for the following; 35th Division Commanding Officers; 134th, 137th, and 320th Infantry Regiments; 60th Engineer Combat Battalion; 127th, 216th, and 219th Field Artillery Battalions; 35th Infantry Division Headquarters Company; 35th Recconnaissance Troop; and the 35th Quartermaster Company. Six Privates 1st Class showed such qualities of leadership under fire that they were promoted to Staff Sergeant, a jump of three grades. Gen. George Sears Greene of the Army of the Potomac. The diary resumes on 26 June 1864 as Willson's regiment prepared to move on Confederate positions guarding the approaches to Atlanta through their subsequent capture of the city. The Civil War Battle Unit Details Return to Results UNION NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS 137th Regiment, New York Infantry Overview: Organized at Binghamton, N. Y., and mustered in September 25, 1862. With the tempo of the battle decreasing, acts of heroism and miraculous achievements by individuals and units of the 137th Infantry began to come to light. In compliance with letter, above subject, Headquarters First United States Army, the following Battle History Reports of the 137th Infantry for the month of July 1944, is submitted; copy of Daily Journal for combat period is enclosed as separate inclosure. 169th infantry regiment 43rd infantry division 169th infantry regiment 43rd infantry division. These books were digitized by Yale University and Cornell University. Greene's Brigade. (Enlisted man's letters, Dec 25, 1863 & Dec 24, 1864). The day was comparatively quiet, with scattered mortar and artillery fire, mostly on road junctions. received authority, August 28, 1862, to recruit this regiment in the then 22d Senatorial District of the State; it was organized at Syracuse and there mustered in the United States service for three years September 17-18, 1862. Army. Archer, John M. "The Bullets Came Thick and Close: The 137th New York Infantry on Culp's Hill." "137th Regiment, New York State Volunteers." 263-266. [2] On 25 March, the regiment swam the Tullahan River, captured a Blockhouse, and then was involved in the engagements of Malinta and Meycauayan three days later. Late in the afternoon of 13 July, two platoons of Company L, of which Sergeant Hughbanks is a member, were pinned down by machine gun fire. The Germans, from their positions across the river, continued to shell our troops with mortar and artillery fire, and shortly before 2300 Wednesday night, single-engine enemy bombers flew over the regimental area dropping flares and butterfly bombs. [3] In the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, a 6-hour barrage was launched on this hill and was taken by the Kansas soldiers in their first attempt on 26 September, and their trial by fire began; an ordeal that was to last six days and six nights, with little or no food, only snatches of sleep, and an uninterrupted rain of shells, gas, and bullets from infantry, artillery and warplanes. For more information on the history of this unit, see: Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always.