But when you get older, you become more afraid of hurting the people you care about.". As an official update by Square Enix, players can actually. Sneaking out to meet Chloe, Max meets a remorseful Dana, and finds out that Victoria and Taylor are still very wrecked after Kate's suicide attempt. Upon arriving, Max sees Kate throw herself off the roof, killing herself. Before the release of her viral video, Kate was a happy student at Blackwell with a high GPA of 3.9 and a spotless record. At the time that Max told her about Nathan, Jefferson was determined to kill Kate to silence her as Victoria and almost done with Max. At the time that Max told her about Nathan, Jefferson was determined to kill Kate to silence her as Victoria and almost done with Max. He killed Nathan since he's the one who gets framed. I heard it was taken down. I have to make an effort to talk to her more often, maybe invite her to tea or a movie. Kate Beverly Marsh (nascida em 12 de setembro de 1995) uma estudante da Blackwell Academy e uma crist devota. Kate will later be deeply thankful, as evident from her messages, although it does not have any effect on the rest of the episode, as Max later travels back in time again. She has to talk Kate down without the assistance of the Rewind. O lado criativo da Kate tambm mostrado atravs de sua paixo por msica; ela toca violino (normalmente todas as manhs) e gosta muito de Mozart.[2]. Life is Strange > General Discussions > Topic Details. She seems surprised that so many people from Blackwell wrote to her, including Daniel DaCosta, Mr. Jefferson and even Victoria who wrote her a very sweet note. Encouraging Kate to go to the police about Nathan, or suggesting she look for proof against him first during Episode 2 of Life is Strange directly impacts a huge moment later in the story. Defender a Kate do David, encoraj-la em sua deciso inicial de denunciar o ocorrido para a polcia e atender a ligao dela mais cedo contribuem para que ela acredite nas suas intenes, mas ela ainda pode ser salva sem estas decises tomadas se voc fizer as escolhas certas no dilogo. Informaes Bsicas So far the only victim killed were Rachel, and that wasn't Jefferson's fault since Nathan gave her an overdose. But she's been extra quiet and introverted the past couple weeks. "Estou meio de saco cheio da humanidade hoje Me desculpe por fazer tanto drama." Rachel died of overdose (Nathan did it). Before class, Kate asks Mr. Jefferson if there is anything that he can do about her video. She reveals that she was not drunk, and after consuming only a small amount of wine, was seemingly drugged by Nathan who failed to take her to the hospital as promised. A scene pack is a group of cutscenes for editors to then download and use in their own edits! Se Max no consegue salvar a Kate no Episdio 2, as bandeiras do lado de fora da Blackwell Academy permanecem completamente hasteadas. She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at a Vortex Club party and seems emotionally traumatized. Voc pode encontrar uma garrafa de vinho no quarto dela, escondida atrs da cmoda, apesar de ela ter falado para Max que no bebe lcool. Quando Max descobre que Chloe foi drogada por Nathan Prescott, ela presume que a mesma coisa aconteceu com a Kate, devido ao seu comportamento estranho no vdeo viral. It makes her more beautiful than the beeatches here like Victoria who think beauty is just your face and outfit. Finally, she exerts her power to the degree that she can stop time, which allows her to make it to the roof.Once on the roof, however, Max is unable to use her powers due to the pain they are causing her. Max comments that it's \"way too emo\", with the blinds closed, mirror covered and depressing drawing on the floor. Max will answer the phone and Chloe uses sarcasm on her, but Joyce Price overhears and they begin to argue, Max tries to calm Kate down and gives her hope before hanging up. Mais tarde, no restaurante com a Chloe Price, Max receber uma ligao de Kate, e ter de escolher entre atender ou no. No entanto, h uma inconsistncia nas circunstncias que estes adesivos parecem, devido aos arquivos estarem com os nomes trocados nas configuraes da Unreal Engine (TX_Character_E3_Kate_SF, TX_Character_E4_Kate_SF, e TX_Character_E5_Kate_SF). Her birthday, which falls on Halloween, is just around the corner, and she hopes that this year will be a fresh start . White can symbolize pureness, and this goes along with Kate's personality and upbringing in a Christian family, whereas black can be associated with a darker aspect and her personal struggles. Think of it more like a social experiment. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Erasing the mean messages written about her and the link to the video, answering her phone call) I think add up to helping to save her. Her family's disappointment combined with the persistent bullying from Vortex Club members and the vicious behavior of her peers leads her to become withdrawn and depressed. Once on the roof, however, Max is unable to use her powers due to the pain they are causing her. She also informed him about her suspicions regarding a possible mobbing, though this warning was evidently ignored.[5]. No final do episdio, Kate vista chorando em seu quarto durante a nevasca. Max encounters Kate Marsh in the bathroom brushing her teeth, and depending on Max's choice with David and Kate's argument, she will either scold Max for not helping, or thank her for getting between them. No ptio do Dormitrio dos Prescott, Kate se encontra sentada sozinha em um banco, olhando para o nada. Gnero This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. With help the Prescott, Jefferson was able to build a bunker to serve as a secret hideaway. Max pode examinar os rabiscos de Kate em sua mesa; ao olhar bem de perto, ela poder supor que Kate est tendo pensamentos suicidas. Ser que todo o bullying acabou com ela? Kate Beverly Marsh(born September 12, 1995) is a student atBlackwell Academyand a devout Christian. Uma foto da Kate com sua famlia. As Max searches through David's garage for tools to fix her camera, she can happen upon David's files. Life is Strange Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. O email pode ser visto no computador dela no Episdio 3, durante o tempo que Max passa em sua casa. A decepo de sua famlia combinada com o constante bullying feito por membros do clube Vortex e o afastamento de seus amigos levaram ela a ficar isolada e depressiva. It's most likely that Kate's spirit animal is the rabbit, which is the animal connected to her the most as she has a pet rabbit. Answering it will cause Max to miss a confrontation between Chloe and her mother, which Chloe will chide her about later, but will comfort Kate.At Blackwell Academy, a distraught Kate will be seen talking to Mr. Jefferson for help, who will dismiss her. He talks about a rally in her honor, and tries to offer her help. Her father Richard Marsh is a preacher in the Church, who she seems to have a good relationship with. Fora do quarto da Kate, Max pode apagar a mensagem maldosa escrita na placa dela, "Will bang 4 Jesus" (Vai rebolar pra Jesus, em portugus). Seu pai Richard Marsh pregador na igreja, e ela parece ter uma boa relao com ele. Kate asks Max whether she should go to the police for help with her situation. Porm, foi confirmado pelos desenvolvedores que a Katie na lista de Frank no a Kate Marsh. Kate nasceu em uma famlia crist extremamente conservadora, e muito devota sua religio. Para convenc-la a sair da borda, Max precisa estimular Kate a ser forte e enfrentar os valentes que espalharam seu vdeo, e tambm necessrio ter prestado ateno em alguns items do quarto da Kate e us-los como exemplo de coisas que significam muito para ela (como o pai de Kate ou suas irms e seu versculo favorito). Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=413414000, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjBFcUPYCu0. Next up is Kate marsh! Also, she had posters about advising on abstinence. Players might remember seeing pictures and letters from Kate's family while exploring her room for photo collectibles in Episode 2 of Life is Strange. Kate tells Max that she has to stay at the hospital for another day until her family comes to visit. Por outro lado, ela. Kate uma adolescente gentil, simptica e tmida que no gosta de ser o centro das atenes. Alm disso, hospitais normalmente possuem abrigos subterrneos, e Arcadia Bay uma cidade conhecida por ter vrios abrigos nucleares.[8]. In Kate's hospital room in Episode 4, Max can find flowers from Taylor, which are yellow tulips. Max, who is extremely happy to see her, will talk with her, noting that she seems happier since her attempted suicide. The Verdict. No wonder they call it a "web" nothing can ever get out.said to Max in "Out of Time", I don't expect you to get in trouble for me. No lembro de ter visto a Kate Marsh rir ou sorrir no ltimo ms. The Bible quote is the make or break option. Kate is the first human character who has a determinant status. She has a black and white pet bunny named Alice in her dorm room. Max tem a opo de apagar o link. A nurse provided Kate with pencils and paper, and Kate started drawing children's illustrations again; planning on creating a new book about bullying. When Max attempts to ask whether or not she was alright, Kate dismisses her, wanting to be left alone. Due to her religious background, she is quite meek towards most (if not all) of the people who bully her and doesn't hesitate to give people such as Victoria Chase a second chance. Valve Corporation. Yellow is also the color of friendship. She has to talk Kate down without the assistance of the Rewind. The link you could choose to erase in the mirror. Her father sent her a postcard to give her hope, while her Aunt sent her a letter condemning her actions in the video. said to Mr. Jefferson in the corridor in "Out of Time"Nobody cares about me. Approaching her, Max asks her about what she thought of Mr. Jeffersons class. Ever. If Max fails to convey the right message, Kate will jump and she dies as Max looks in horror, there is a memorial for her outside the girls' dorm. Ohhh. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. MORE: Most Iconic Kid Detectives In Video Games. Saving Kate (Episode 2) A Guide for Life is Strange By: [UCSC] KaraThrace This guide will contain constant spoilers about one of the major choices of Episode 2, so consider yourself warned. The other students often make fun of her religiousness, although Kate doesn't attempt to preach or convert anyone. Sei que est envolvida em vrios grupos religiosos, mas ela no reza para mim e eu no me importo. No quarto ela pode encontrar cartas, cartes postais e fotos relacionadas famlia de Kate. She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing. Max can't use her powers to bring Kate back if she dies in Episode 2 of Life is Strange, so find out how to save her within this guide. Se Max se aproximar dela, ela pedir que a deixe sozinha por um tempo para que ela possa refletir; claramente pensando sobre sua reputao aps seu vdeo ter se espalhado. But note that opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Kate Marsh is/was (depending on choice) a classmate of Max. Ela tem de convencer a Kate a no se jogar sem a ajuda de seu poder de voltar no tempo. Kate Beverly Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. Max pode discordar, banindo garotos da viagem delas, ou questionar o motivo da presena de Warren. [4] Victoria Chase publicou o vdeo na internet e o espalhou para os alunos da Blackwell. Is Strange, Gary jamroz-palma : concept art for the hospital room used for Chloe and Kate, depending on some of the choices you make. This . People seem to have felt truly sorry for her, sending postcards, letters, balloons, flowers and cards to her. I do like Kate Marsh, she's down the hall and in one of my classes. Kate seemed an exception, for a reason that is not explained in the game she survived the Darkroom and continued watching the Jefferson class. Hell nah. Hodey is a writer for Game Rant and TheGamer based out of the Rocky Mountains in North Ogden, Utah. She became friends with Max during her first month at Blackwell and they met regularly to drink tea together. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies as part of our overall. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Seu comportamento fora do comum, beijando vrias pessoas e agindo loucamente, pode estar atribudo s drogas, provando a inocncia de Kate. Max can either encourage her to call the police, or discourage her and look for proof instead, either way Max will try to talk her out of making a hasty decision and Kate continues with her depression. Avel If Max chooses to go to the police, Kate will be easier to deal with at the climax. Whilst in the Dark Room, Max uses her selfie taken at the beginning of the first episode and travels back to Jefferson's class where everything started. She seems to be involved in a lot of religious groups. It is unknown if a patch will be released that fixes this issue. Katie There is no doubt that Nathan drugged Kate and kidnapped her to Jefferson subject it to a sick photo essay, however this psychopath has the ritual of murdering his victims after taking the photos of them. She is teased by Taylor Christensen, who throws a paper ball at her and comments about her "porn video". No se sabe se uma atualizao ser lanada para consertar o erro. He talks about a rally in her honor, and tries to offer her help. [note 1]. Also, hospitals do usually have underground storm shelters, and Arcadia Bay is known to have a lot of bomb shelters.[8]. His first kill was Chloe. After Max enters the shower, Kate resumes brushing her teeth as Victoria and Taylor walk in and tell her about how much they enjoyed her viral video saying that she set a tongue record. provvel que ambos sejam referncias , O nome do meio e o sobrenome de Kate podem ser uma referncia personagem Beverly Marsh do livro. Kate views the spread of the video as a form of punishment, one strong enough to weaken the foundations of her faith. In Kate's hospital room in Episode 4, Max can find flowers from Taylor, which are yellow tulips. Suas atividades extracurriculares incluem o programa Refeies em Rodas e um diversificado grupo de estudos religiosos.[1]. As snow begins to fall over Arcadia Bay, Kate sits in her room crying. Kate Beverly Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. Ela provocada por Taylor Christensen, que joga uma bola de papel nela com um comentrio sobre o seu "pornozo". In addition, if Kate's suicide is successful, Max will get a text from Kate's Christian father telling her that Kate was in a better world now. Kate o primeiro personagem humano a ter um status (vida, morte) determinante no jogo. I personally never had to answer a bible quote; it never got to that stage for me. Aps o incidente, ela recorreu a enfermeira da escola que, preocupada com o estado emocional da Kate, pediu que o Diretor Wells ficasse de olho nela. Upon arriving, Max sees Kate throw herself off the roof, killing herself. If she succeeded in committing suicide, Max describes in her diary that Kate's expression was frightened when she began to fall from the rooftop. Max comenta que a Kate est em seu perodo. The doodles depict an angel whose face is covered in blood, a tree with gallows as well as the words "WASTE" and "SO LONELY". Kate's favorite Bible verse is highlighted on a post-it note inside the book; Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.". There isn't a -real- video. Life Is Strange: Before The Storm. Jeff killed Chloe because she's a liability and a witness. Jumped to her death off the dormitory roof. But Nathan also suffered under Jefferson. Yellow tulips stand for hope and cheerful thoughts and are common get-well gifts. She will then ask her to bring her back her copy of the October Country and Max says that she's get it back to her. According to her file, Kate has a GPA of 3.9, and is one of the people who "represent" Blackwell Academy. Elas at comearam a fazer sesses de ch semanais. It was Nathan who killed Rachel and Chloe. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Maxine Caulfield is a fictional character from the Life Is Strange video game series published by Square Enix.Created by French developer Dontnod Entertainment, she first appears in the 2015 video game Life Is Strange as the main protagonist.She is voiced by actress Hannah Telle. She will text Max his room number (111) when she visits the boy's dorms later in the episode. Seu pai Richard Marsh pregador na igreja, e ela parece ter uma boa relao com ele. provvel que o esprito animal da Kate seja o coelho, que o animal mais conectado a ela, j que ela possui um coelho de estimao. Kate foi filmada beijando vrias pessoas e no se lembra de ter feito isso por causa das drogas. Kate regrets her suicide attempt deeply and feels very ridiculous, but Max assures her that other people need to feel responsible for what has happened. Although in most outcomes she dies during her suicide attempt, she can be saved if you make the correct choices prior to her suicide attempt. There is a poster in the girls' bathroom which reads "Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder", someone has vandalised it with graffiti which says: "Kate twerks for god". In the basement, Max discovers a folder of photographs that fell from the top shelf. H uma foto das trs garotas juntas no quarto da Kate. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This time, there is only one possible set of choices since the viral video is released no matter what Max does. Max has the option to rub it off.Returning Kate's book, Max can look around her bedroom. This difference between the two charts here relies on whether Max decided to look for proof from Nathan's phone or not before going to the police. You have to choose the M (matheus or how he is called) answer and not the P one.