Tel 905-686-1040 Washington, DC and part of Maryland: Potomac Electric Power Company map; Last year, ComEd in Illinois also published a hosting capacity map. Here are links to several Hosting Capacity Maps intended for solar developers. For example, a recent 200 kWac project in Rhode Island learned when the interconnection application was submitted that no additional solar power was on either the local circuit or at the substation. What makes feeder locations a greater risk threat in Minnesota than in New York or California? pv magazine USA offers daily updates of the latest photovoltaics news. If you have any issues viewing the data, please The Department finds that hosting capacity maps can inform the interconnection process and can be a useful tool for interconnecting customers to identify low-cost/no-cost interconnection locations or otherwise inform their investment decisions. As documented in the Star Tribune, interconnection delays have frustrated Minnesotas solar developers. Any other transfer to third parties will not take place unless this is justified on the basis of applicable data protection regulations or if pv magazine is legally obliged to do so. Read our policy. Inaccurate results were also found in a different type of hosting capacity map produced by PG&E and two other California utilities, the IREC paper says: maps showing the capacity for added load on a circuit, such as electric vehicles. 2 0 obj ILSR asks that the Commission provide the Company more direction, in the form of deadlines to use HCA in initial or supplemental interconnection review (in the next 18-24 months) and automating at least a portion of interconnection proceedings (by 2025) as well as staff-facilitated working groups to guide implementation. This map does not restrict applications from being submitted for a particular circuit, but rather is a tool to inform applicants on the amount of generation a circuit has the potential to host without the need for significant system upgrades at the customer's cost. To similarly incorporate hosting capacity analysis into the Xcel interconnection processs fast track screens would support the development of distributed energy resources in Minnesota by reducing costs and time for project development, and would direct project development to locations with existing grid capacity. Don't miss a single report, infographic, or podcast! It does not appear on display pages. This content is protected by copyright and may not be reused. % The Commissions July 2020 order, in response to Xcel Energys 2019 Hosting Capacity Analysis (HCA) Report, found that improved and additional information will be necessary in future reports and provided the Commissions direction for future HCA reports. In this order, the Commission determined that Xcel should publish the actual locations of distribution system lines because giving customers and developers access to more precise data would allow them to make informed decisions about whether to pursue a project before investing significant time or resources into the planning process. Order Point 12 required Xcel Energy to do so in its 2020 Hosting Capacity Report. The pre-application report produced by ComEd is non-binding and does not confer any rights; the potential applicant must file an application before it can interconnect with the ComEd system. We continue to believe such an approach would risk grid security and customer privacy, confidentiality and security as described in more detail in Section III below and in attachment E. Therefore, we again provide a heat map view of available hosting capacity. 2016 - 2023 Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This process is automatic. SDG&E has a fast track process in place to interconnect small DER installations (such as rooftop solar on single-family homes) within an average of three days. As a solar developer and individual cheering for a strong power grid, few pieces of data are as useful as site data sorted by grid demand. Without offering an explanation, when the final interconnection for the 200 kW project was approved, the utility assessed no new fees. An application fee is charged for each interconnection application submitted. The next step beyond ensuring accuracy and actionability is automating interconnection applications based on specific map grid circuits and line sections, with click and claim capabilities that link these maps with automated interconnection portals. Owner signs deal, $2,5000 payment made for PE-stamped one line & interconnection application 3. Select one or more editions for targeted, up to date information delivered straight to your inbox. In this role, she contributes to blog posts, podcasts, video content, and interactive features. The Interconnection Queue Report is intended to provide interconnection information according to the terms and conditions of ComEds Rider IQ Tariff. Share to Facebook. This map is one tool that customers and developers can use to help assess the available hosting capacity in a given general location. E999/CI20-800. We are glad that the Commission has asked Xcel to provide all criteria threshold violations, rather than just the primary limiting factor. These next wave automation features will allow the distributed energy revolution to truly take off. Apply Now. If you want to cooperate with us and would like to reuse some of our content, please contact: We install Massachusetts residential solar via Whaling City Solar. Processing: Hosting Capacity map added on August 11, 2017. In summary, there are 5 things we ask of the Commission: Thank you for the opportunity to comment and for taking up this important conversation; we appreciate that there has not been any legislative preemption of this regulatory process. Find out about our Hosting Capacity platform and system data available. You may revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future, in which case your personal data will be deleted immediately. Developers can look at the map and predict where they might install a solar garden. For the Stage 2 displays, each circuits hosting capacity is determined by evaluating the potential power system criteria violations as a result of large PV solar systems with an AC nameplate rating starting at and gradually increasing from 300 kW interconnecting to three phase distribution lines. For example, Minnesotas community solar program is on track to reach one gigawatt of generation capacity as early as 2022 and ILSR predicts the development of an additional 475 megawatts of residential solar by 2034. That could potentially generate around 20 million kWh. That meant solar developers had zero access to critical power grid connection information, substation status, and other local solar plant connections. The following charts, taken from the joint comments of ILSR and partners, illustrate the gulf between Xcels distributed solar forecast and ILSRs adoption model that aligns with distributed solar deployment in several mature markets. email the ComEd DER Interconnection team. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. The six other states requiring hosting capacity analysis are California, Connecticut, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, and Maryland. Register with an email address to update your login credentials. Please enable scripts and reload this page. ILSR defers further discussion on this topic to Docket No. Your personal data will only be disclosed or otherwise transmitted to third parties for the purposes of spam filtering or if this is necessary for technical maintenance of the website. Further information on data privacy can be found in our Data Protection Policy. pv magazine offers daily updates of the latest photovoltaics news. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Legal Notice Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy pv magazine 2023, Welcome to pv magazine USA. The analyses represent the overall feeder level hosting capacity only, and do not account for all factors that could impact interconnection costs (including substation constraints). Xcel Energy celebrates its reputation as a national leader in renewable energy with the nations largest community solar program, which gives customers cleaner energy options and more control over their energy use. This pride in marketing often doesnt align with the utilitys actions. ComEd service territory covers over 11,000 square miles in northern Illinois including the . The Company requested that the Commission excuse the complaints from the Quality of Service Plan, a request that the Commission denied. Join our newsletter. The analyses presented in these displays provide the feeder level hosting capacity for the distribution circuits evaluated. Our interactive portal can help guide decisions regarding the interconnection of resources. It divides the ComEd service territory into townships (6 miles X 6 miles). As a result, the smaller 200 kWac project was told that the substation was full, and that it would have to share a roughly $650,000 upgrade cost, potentially delaying the project until the upgrades were complete. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. These tools make it so every stakeholder in the process is able to work more efficiently and save the entire system precious time + money. Error: Please call us at 1-800-752-6633 to complete this request. That meant solar developers had zero access to critical power grid connection information, substation status, and other local solar plant connections. Xcel has since written should the Commission determine it is in the public interest for the Company to advance and mature the HCA to be conducted more frequently and/or to integrate with the interconnection process, the Company would refine cost and timing estimates. pv magazine USA offers daily updates of the latest photovoltaics news. An SDG&E spokesperson provided this comment: SDG&E has continuously innovated, tested and improved the HCA tool by working with key stakeholders, including IREC and CPUC staff, to develop and refine the methodology. Properly designed, the hosting capacity maps offer the ability to look closely at our power grid resources. Estimated savings based on average retail price of $0.08 per kWh for commercial customers based on 2018 Energy Information Administration data for the state of Illinois. By submitting this form you agree to pv magazine using your data for the purposes of publishing your comment. Fax 905-686-1078 GwfaaLLI'U:gp*= G}.a[8. Hosting Capacity is the amount of distributed energy that can be placed without requiring system upgrades or effecting power quality. In the Commissions July 2020 order, the Commission adopted a long-term goal to use the hosting capacity analysis in the interconnection processs fast track screens. The Commissions July 2020 Order also required the Company to study three additional objectives for hosting capacity analysis: These objectives set the Commissions intentions for hosting capacity analysis to, at the least, augment initial review screens and, at the most, totally automate interconnection studies.