If your wife starts to cringe when you touch her or always makes excuses not to be intimate, that's a massive red flag. Even if shes not cheating, that low-cleavage top she wore and the special look she just gave the bank teller isnt for nothing. If your wife is busy and she has a lot of things to worry about, it can cause her to lose attraction to you. For some reason, wives report a decline in their marriage satisfaction when they have a child around one year of age. You may even begin to miss the scolding or criticisms. 10. There is something to say about the experiences children have with their parents. Thats a bit of a scary stat, with exceptions to the rule of course. Has she suddenly stopped talking about what she wants to do in the near future? 2. is when she starts becoming highly critical of everything you do. But now your position has been slowly eroded by her new friends, colleagues, or even her boss. While watching, I felt like someone understood my struggles to find and nurture love for the first time and. When a woman stops loving a man, her caring and inquisitive nature dies off; she no longer bothers about what goes on in her man's life, she doesn't bother and she hardly cares. She stops noticing your . Another sign that she may no longer love you is when she avoids touching you whenever youre together. Notice the little gestures to understand his subtle ways of loving you. You see him as more of a friend. Worse, it's disrespectful and is not the behavior of someone who's in love with you. When a girl says shes not happy with her marriage, shes much more likely to have an affair. 13, Indifferent and/or Not Jealous. When a child has been brought up in a household where a parent or two has cheated, they are much more likely to cheat. I want to suggest doing something different. Most relationships start with fun and flowers, dates that you never want to end and a sense of camaraderie that makes you want to put a ring on her finger and make her yours forever. Just be aware that if shes spending every second day with a crowd of her girls and sulking at you when shes around it is not a good sign. 1. He doesn't want to spend time with you or regularly chooses activities voluntarily that take him away from the home and your relationship. This is why it is a big sign of trouble when she would rather do anything other than hang out with you. 6 Signs Your Wife Doesn't Love You Anymore. So, if this is the case for you and you suspect your wife is cheating, you better push this investigation a little further to see if its true. Do you want to put money on it that at least one of them wouldnt mind some time kissing your girlfriend after a nice walk on the beach and enjoying some sweet loving afterward? She seems more irritable when she's around you. In this case, there can be numerous reasons your wife doesnt listen or that there is no affection from your wife. So, if your husband doesn't love you I can assure you you're far from alone. An amazing aspect of marriage is that you get to spend so much time with your lover and best friend. If even when you're chilling on the couch with your partner, you feel like they aren't in-the-moment engaging with you, and instead, seem more interested . Here are some signs that your suspicions are justified: Infographic - 10 Signs She Doesn't love you Anymore. If youre having intimacy issues in your marriage or relationship youve come to the right place. Theres no doubt that a woman that has been married before is more likely to cheat than a woman that just got married for the first time. How would she react if you were falling all over other girls? This is an obvious clue that your wife isnt in love with you anymore. Take your time to find out exactly what to look for if you think your marriage is coming to an end. If shes been unfaithful then theres a very good possibility she doesnt love you anymore. This is only a bad sign if she is doing this knowingly and all the time. 1. He doesn't say it or act like it. After a while, some marriages start to fall apart and it becomes clear that a man's wife doesn't love him anymore. //