So thats that, you think. [5][11], Tharizdun was one of the deities described in the From the Ashes set (1992), for the Greyhawk campaign,[12] and appeared again in Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins (1998). Their goal is to bring together all of his artifacts, and to free the Ebon God from his imprisonment, where he will destroy the multiverse. Tharizdun is worshiped mostly by rogue drow, genasi cultists and elementals, who call him the Elder Elemental Eye, falsely believing that he is a primordial and not a god. What led to his abysmal fate? The majority of the Elder Elemental Eye's cultists (including Tharizdun's exarchs) don't even know he is a god, thinking him instead to be a powerful primordial. [7], Kingsley Tealeaf's dreams of his confinement and escape from Lucien included memories of strange black chains that invisibly wove through Cognouza, now broken, the sound of them shattering between worlds, and the angry, unknowable, primal, ancient cry that he could never forget. Tharizdun is hated by nearly all other gods, who would gladly put aside their differences to stop the Dark God from escaping his demiplane prison. [11], Tharizdun was released once more onto the Material Plane during the Calamity, causing untold destruction and chaos. Before the creation of the Abyss, there lived the mighty Obyriths, demonic powers of unimaginable might and horrid visage. Tharizdun Chained God D&D Figure . Tharizdun is the god of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, Insanity, and Cold. [7], Tharizdun appeared as an amorphous, roiling pitch-blackness. Although imprisoned, Tharizdun still has a degree of his original multiverse-threatening power: he is officially a Divine Rank 11 (out of 20) deity, as of Dragon #294. [16][17], It is said that six sets of divine shackles hold the Chained Oblivion at the bottom of Abyss, their power anchored somewhere in Exandria. [1] Yet another (almost certainly insane) source claims his weapon to be something called a "Check Toee".[25]. Tharizdun | Greyhawk Wiki | Fandom During the age of the Founding, the Primordials' slaughter of the mortal races the creator gods had formed drew the attention of the demons of the Abyss, who poured into the world to feast on the carrion. Campaign Two (2 episodes), Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion is the mad deity of death and trickery. Parasitic Tentacle. Or a number of artifacts that, once connected, may release him. As the Dark God, he is described as an incorporeal wraithform, black and faceless. [9], Before the Calamity, the Betrayer Gods each forged a sentient weapon with the life force of a greater fiend: the Arms of the Betrayers. Basically, Tharizdun wants to destroy the world and his worshippers know this. Awesome. That said this is clearly a very powerful creature, I like the bonus LR. Although the cult's leaders are fully aware of this, many low-ranking members merely seek revenge against society, and are unaware with the full extent of the Dark God's destruction, should he be freed. The PCs show up at the final battle to find that Tharizdun has killed many of the Gods, and incapacitated the rest - and is about to kill the PC's God of choice! He was imprisoned ages ago by a coalition of deities to prevent the destruction of existence itself. His cult appears prominently in Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil (2001). [15], During that last chase before its banishment, a fragment of the Chained Oblivion's power fell into the ocean in the newly formed Shearing Channel, gestating for eons, and eventually mutated a kraken living there. [18], The Weeping Hexgram, discovered near the Ziggurat of Black in the year 576 CY, is a ten foot diameter black iron ring inset with a bowed hexagram, which seeps blood when exposed to sunlight. Male This cannot raise your Strength stat above 20 Tharizdun The Chained God is trapped in the Abyss that he himself created. The Forgotten Realms has it's own Pantheon of Gods that are not the same set of gods that are worshipped in the Greyhawk or Dragonlance settings. Unable to act upon the world directly, he dispenses his power from cover identities and aspects, such as the Elder Elemental Eye responsible for the infamous Temple of Elemental Evil. [14], Midnight Darkness, a cult of assassins dedicated to Nerull, god of death, is secretly led by Karniquaza, a follower of Tharizdun and member of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Mostly looted or sold off after Tharizdun's imprisonment, they have spread across the world by traders unaware of their connection to that evil deity. Gygax said that in the Gord novels, "the worst and most terrible of Tharizdun's forms could come into full power and attack". It possessed Leheren, one of the members of the Cabal, and created a secret order within the order devoted to freeing Tharizdun and releasing him on the continent of Faern. It is rumored that a temple of Tharizdun exists in the Gull Cliffs. Crooked, seven-pointed star made of chains He is responsible for the creation of the Abyss and for setting free the ancient obyrith demons to corrupt a huge portion of the Elemental Chaos into their own realm. tharizdun the chained god 5e stats. Dagon prefers to use his trident in battle but can attack with his powerful fists if he so chooses. To go further, you would have to homebrew some darker domains of your own. Who is the oldest and/or most powerful god in 5e? His holy number is 333. It is presumed to have been written by one of his followers after the deity's banishment. It is a primal, subconscious force of annihilation that insidiously corrupts what it can to undermine everything, opportunistically masquerading in the forms of what other minds desire, and seeping in to twist those minds' intent and perspective toward Tharizdun's own destructive ends. Obyriths were an eldritch race of demons so ancient that they predated mortal life, and even the existence of the gods. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The obyriths demanded that the deity plant the seed of evil within the Astral Sea, promising him total dominion of that realm in exchange for his fealty. Their ultimate goal is to free their dark deity from his prison. She wrote, "This elder interloper god, sometimes known as The Elder Elemental Eye, features in the Princes of the Apocalypse module as a mostly-forgotten god locked away in a prison from the Greyhawk setting, as opposed to the Forgotten Realms. A few operate more openly in remote wilderness areas where the locals are too few and too cowardly to challenge them. Houses For Rent In Long Island, Ny By Owners, Press J to jump to the feed. [5], Tharizdun is not best understood as a god like the others. Tharizdun's priest is a human male, of average height, with wild dark hair, sticking up in all directions. Pelor, the Dawnfather is the god of the sun, summer, and agriculture, and is generally worshiped by farmers and people who live off the land. The Dark God,[1] The Ebon God, He of Eternal Darkness,[2] the Lost God[3] It seems odd that he'd cause that kind of surge given that. [19][20] It is feared that the nature of Tharizdun, being unlike the other divinities, could shatter the Divine Gate alone if unleashed. [23] This represented the loss of Tharizdun's investment in the city. Tharizdun would make a great BBEG for any campaign. Pacific Fruit Vineyards Aldi, It is unknown if the kraken itself is aligned with Tharizdun. I will freely admit I did not consider the bookkeeping aspect and was struggling with creating new legendary/lair actions. At the end of the hallway, it opens to a 30'x30' room, with a blackened altar at the end. {{art caption}}: autoformat art credits/captions, {{infobox character}}: infobox for character pages, {{infobox episode}}: infobox for episode pages, {{new artist category}}: boilerplate for new artist category pages, {{new character}}: boilerplate for new character pages, {{new episode}}: boilerplate template for new episode pages, Articles needing presumption confirmation, Although Rexxentrum itself was founded post-Calamity, it was built on the site of an ancient temple to Pelor. [22][23], Tharizdun is listed as one of the elder evils in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (2018). Im still working on a more reasonable balance for a regular party of 4-5 characters of level 20. [art 1][art 2] It is located in the Ghetto of Foreigners, and resembles a black ziggurat. [7], The black cysts are amorphous spheres of pure blackness, formed from the coagulated nightmares of sleeping Tharizdun. Simply looking upon their strange shapes could drive a mortal insane, and even the cosmos itself was horrified by their presence. Tharizdun has been depicted on the cover of Gygax's Gord the Rogue novel Come Endless Darkness as a huge, bald, humanoid man, with claws, greenish-black skin, and pointed ears. I'm still working on a more reasonable balance for a regular party of 4-5 characters of level 20. . "[1], Tharizdun's priesthood is detailed for this edition in Complete Divine (2004). A small body of scholars and sages believes that Tharizdun's greatest servants are the elder evils themselves. [3] Its "mind" is profoundly alien,[6] and does not carefully form complicated plots. Unlike earlier editions, he has no particular affinity for aberrations and his alignment is Chaotic Evil, rather than Neutral Evil. Stumbling onto this lost temple, they have encounters of ceremony and worship as well as rituals that put them at risk of death and madness (not in that order). Tharizdun Basic information Title (s) The Dark God, The Ender, He of Eternal Darkness, the Ebon God, the Black Sun, the Patient One, He Who Waits, the Anathema, the Father of Elder Evils, the elder elemental god, the Author of Wickedness, the Eater of Worlds, the Despised, the Undoer, the Chained God, the Chained Oblivion Symbol The focus could be an artifact dear to Tharizdun with a spark of his power. For this action, the rest of the pantheon worked together to banish Tharizdun (too powerful to be destroyed outright) to a prison demiplane, chained for eternity. A bit of inherent madness left unchecked opens the door to the creeping Void that draws those who worship this entity. Intermediate Deity Although imprisoned, Tharizdun still has a degree of his original multiverse-threatening power. Cult members hiding in plain site everywhere and within every shadow. It is believed that Tharizdun has no allies, given his desire to destroy the entire universe. The Chained Oblivion[1]The Angel of Irons 1 ago. [3], During the Age of Arcanum, a priest of Tharizdun, Acek Orattim, made his base in Gatshadow Mountain,[8] under which the Chained Oblivion had been imprisoned since the Founding. Badly defeated and wounded, Tharizdun retreated to Acek Orattim's realm, but Pelor chased and banished Tharizdun there, beneath Gatshadow. the Chained God,[8] tharizdun the chained god 5e stats He was imprisoned ages ago by a coalition of deities to prevent the destruction of existence itself. He is rarely referred to by name and usually referred to as the Chained God. Foul abominations released through sacrificial rituals ready to follow the Dark Ones edict: Destroy all Things! 32 . Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Last seen The legendary/lair action mimicry was meant to show his connection to other creatures he helped shape directly or indirectly. Should he ever escape from his prison, it is thought that even the most evil of deities would work with their good counterparts to return Tharizdun to his prison. To avoid interference and condemnation from its own kind, Sgothgah has relocated to The Styes, where he has become "The Whisper" to the local cult who consider it to be the "Voice of Tharizdun". As the Dark God, he is described as an incorporeal wraithform, black and faceless. JavaScript is disabled. Followers of Tharizdun conduct terrible rituals of sacrifice. Tharizdun's followers seek to reclaim the 333 Gems of Tharizdun, a collection of gemstones sacred to the Dark One, sacrificed to him by cultists in ages past. Entities of this type include Ghaunadar, called That Which Lurks; Tharizdun, the Chained God; Dendar, the Night Serpent; Zargon, the Returner; Great Cthulhu; and other unfathomable beings. [7], Official art of Pelor battling Tharizdun, bySvetoslav Petrov from Critical Role: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting, p. Includes 4 subclasses: Elder Dragon, Deep One, Primordial Beast, and Destroyer! He'll probably have at least 4 more powers on top of this. His holy symbols are a dark spiral rune and a two-tiered inverted ziggurat known as an obex. Pantheon The 4th edition Tharizdun is not associated with aberrations, and the location of his prison is not known. If he has holy days, they are unknown to all but perhaps some of his followers. Most of Tharizdun's followers are elementals or have ties to elementals, and refer to him as the Elder Elemental Eye. However, the Brotherhood intentionally spreads rumors to the contrary, sowing fear and misinformation among their enemies. Through the Scorpion Crown, he is said to have destroyed the ancient kingdom of Sulm. Known places of worship include an ancient temple located in the Yatil Mountains, as well as a more recently discovered temple in the Lortmils, near the Kron Hills. Although it . Tharizdun the Chained God! In our hacked version of Tammeraut's Fate there is an island out in the black seas that sits on the borders between the world and the abyssal realm of Tharizdun, the Chained God. In the battles that followed, the Prime Deities locked Tharizdun away securely, or so they thought. If you find yourself drawn in the narcissistic dream of He Who Waits, madness may wait with him. TCS Even fragments of destroyed artifacts are priceless to the cult, since clerics cannot receive spells from Tharizdun without being in proximity to such an artifact. Darkness, destruction, entropy, insanity Fun and smart additions to the game, the friendly Discord of Many Things, and thousands of past submissions to search. The Demiplane of Imprisonment is hidden somewhere in the depths of the Ethereal Plane, resembling a swollen, crystalline cyst nearly a mile in diameter. the Undoer,[7] The Spear of Sorrow, a cursed polearm seven feet in length and carved entirely from black stone, is sacred to Tharizdun. It dreams the infinite Abyss and its demon hordes into being, and dreams aberrations into being beneath Exandria. No beings have encountered Tharizdun for over a millennium, and his alignment can only be inferred from that of his insane followers. D&D 3E/3.5 - 3.5 Stats for Tharizdun | EN World | Dungeons & Dragons But Tharizdun wanted more than just he demonic realm, he, at first, wanted ALL of the Elemental CHaos and, then, all of existance! During the Dawn War, he created the Abyss, an act for which he was imprisoned by the gods. I hope you can find use for this statblock in your own games. Humans in ancient times turned to Tharizdun for magical power, and brought upon an era of despair and eternal night. No one knows what he was before besides power hungry. For the adventure module, see. His provinces are darkness and destruction.[25]. Tharizdun | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom For this, all the other gods (good, unaligned and evil alike) banded together to seal him away. Even within his madness, Tharizdun recognized that his fellow gods would turn on him before he could fully seize the power the obyriths promised. Vmi Athletics Mailing Address, He is rumored to be worshiped by the Scarlet Brotherhood, though these followers are actually a splinter sect of the organization known as the Black Brotherhood or The Blackthorn. Creating a shard of incredible evil, they planted it as a seed; knowing someone would help them cultivate their evil plan. Similarly, Tharizdun, sensing opportunity in what Obann wanted, allowed Obann to imagine into being a manifestation of Tharizdun's influence in the form of the "Angel of Irons". He worms his way into their lives only to betray them at their lowest. Their current location is unknown, but it is certain that the collection was split up long ago. Betrayer God[1]Elder Evil[2] During the Dawn War, he created the Abyss, an act for which he was imprisoned by the gods. Elder Elemental Eye, the Forgotten God[4] Jennifer Whalen Age, 445 points 26 comments 143 23 r/UnearthedArcana Join 25 days ago The Players Handbook describes Warlocks as seekers for the knowledge that lies concealed in the fabric of a multiverse.. . Tharizdun's holy symbol is a jagged counterclockwise dark spiral rune known as the Spiral of Decay. After the god's war they saw what Tharizdun had created and what he was becoming. Short Term Furnished Rentals In Naples Florida. Tharizdun's worshipers are often insane. Reality warps in its wake. [art 3], Tharizdun is depicted, if at all, as "a creature of rolling, hungry ink and darkness",[3] a spreading cloud of lightless destruction. [21], A false rumor claimed that an abandoned shrine to Tharizdun existed in Veluna City.[22]. Ruin and raze the realms to hasten the arrival of the Epoch of Ends. Fourth Edition's Dungeon Master's Guide states that Tharizdun is not mentioned by name in the Player's Handbook or in the Monster Manual due to the fact that his existence is not widely known to mortals. Your PCs are going to fight the most legendary evil in D&D. [14], Tharizdun's role in the 3rd edition Greyhawk setting was defined in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (2000). Although not many people in the Flanaess are aware that Tharizdun exists, it is said that public knowledge of one of his ziggurats would be enough to "raise an army of paladins". It is speculated that this was in turn inspired by the deity Thasaidon, from the works of Clark Ashton Smith. The Ziggurat of Black is an ancient tower in the Tilvanot Pensinsula, constructed of flat black metal. As the final boss, I intend to run the level 30 characters against him in a solo encounter. EGtW Clerics of Tharizdun cannot gain spells from him in the normal way, due to his imprisonment on some unknown plane. First seen [12], Many temples are led by charismatic high priests known as the Witnesses of Tharizdun, who live in opulent surroundings and partake in lavish food, drink, and other base desires at the expense of their underlings. Thanks to Torog's efforts, Tharizdun became known instead as the Chained God. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. There was a so-so scenario in Dungeon 152 named Essence of Evil featuring these themes. His holy symbols are a dark spiral rune and a two-tiered inverted ziggurat known as an obex. Unlike most deities of Oerth, who take humanoid shape, Tharizdun appears as a dark, amorphous form reminiscent of a sentient sphere of annihilation. Already a deity, he still hungered for more and more power and his discovery of the shard was just the promise of power he was looking for. Tharizdun (pronounced:/rzdn/thar-IZ-dun[10]) was a long-forgotten interloper god originating from Oerth who sought to destroy all that is. All Warlocks have a pact to an otherworldly entity known as the Warlocks patron. Dragon #353. The gods all united, and with their combined power they locked Tharizdun away in a secret prison somewhere in the universe. Where a head would be, instead, there is a He planted the Sun Tree in Whitestone. They are spellcasters in D&D 5e who draw their power from ancient knowledge and arcane secrets. [23], The Book of Incarum, holy text of the church of Rao, tells that Rao is the creator of mankind. "Multiple Dementia." He Who Waits,[7] With his goal of destruction, Tharizdun is Chaotic Evil. 15 Unique Gods In The D&D Universe Everyone Forgets - CBR Tharizdun's servants last called forth his avatar in the year -422 CY, during the Twin Cataclysms which destroyed the Suel Imperium and Baklunish Empire. "One" that is known is actually many: a collection of gems known as the 333 Gems of Tharizdun. Associated domains He originated in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting but has since also appeared in other settings. Those who are not mad believe that they will reap great rewards and privileges for their aid in freeing him. But there is more. God . The original module can be legally downloaded from, Dms Guild also has a 5E updated module for sale cheap.
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