The Danger of the Mountain Top Experience - Youth Ministry (see Exodus 19)We need the mountaintop experiences to experience the glory of God and receive revelation. And that moment made such an impression on Peter that years later he would refer to it in one of his New Testament letters as proof positive that that he didnt make up the gospel, but was an eyewitness to the very power and majesty of Jesus that changed his life forever. Thousands of people would say the answer is to stand on the roof of the world, the summit of Mount Everest. This mountaintop experience takes place during a time of prayer! There are several reasons. This meditation allows us to digest the revelation so we can be more effective ambassadors for Christ. But the valley experience is just as important to our Christian walk. Mountain top definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary Dedication to the Lord still brings special blessings into our lives! Most of us have had some type of mountaintop experience during our lifetime. 4. of or pertaining to mountains. You feel overcome by a greater awareness of Gods reality. Not all mountain top experiences drip with emotion. the law and the prophets. The mountaintop experience enables the believer to remain stable when they reach low points in their life. This passage in Isaiah carries a prophetic word for Mountaintop Worship Center. When I heard that story, I identified with it so very much. In Exodus 24 God summoned Moses and a company of others to come back to the mountain. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? Grab a blanket and a glass of hot chocolate, and do these five warm indoor activities for those rainy winter days. Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. A sermon delivered by David Hughes, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, Nc., March 6, 2011. There is a mountaintop experience all Christians seek. The words of Psalm 121 came to my mind each afternoon gazing upon the mountains, and they are what I expect will be transporting me back there over the next several months. Jesus was God incognito, dressed in human flesh. But our mountaintop moments are not designed by God just to give us warm fuzzies at high altitudesthey are designed to go fill us with the Spirit of God that we have the courage and strength to do the work of the kingdom in the valley. encourage them and help them in the days ahead. God doesnt intend for us to live in a perpetual state of emotional highs when it comes to faith. I call them mountain-top experiences! Like the testing of Abraham (Genesis 22:1-19), the receiving of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-20:21) and, of course, the transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-13). Pastor at Columbus (IN) RP Church. while Peter is still talking; God interrupts Peters speech. Lead me to those where the harvest is ready, for I am Your willing laborer.In Jesus name I pray, Amen. So what next? Upon returning from the top of Mt. Living, Planning, Dying Well: Getting Your Affairs in Order, 2023 Youth Sunday & Souper Bowl of Caring, Interfaith Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, Advent Gift Market a yearlong commitment to mission. -The city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God did lighten it, and the lamb is the light thereof. As Christians, when we know what we have, we never want to leave the mountain of God. Pastor James McDonald describes the biblical mountaintop experience as one that involves your mind, emotions, and will. The problem .read more Or you were convicted about something in your life that you now need accountability for from a friend or mentor. That could prove dangerous and manipulative. He reflected on the massive amount of time, effort and energy it took to reach the specific goals that he had laid out for his life. Perhaps they were previously lost, or filled with anger, depression, addiction, confusion. The Mountaintop Experience. Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up on a mountain; and they see His glory, they have a Mountain-Top Experience. Learn a new word every day. After surviving his 40 day and night fast, Jesus climbs down one mountain only to go up another, where he delivers the greatest sermon of all time, the "Sermon on the Mount.". Top selling author and speaker, Robert Rohm Ph.D. is founder of Personality Insights Inc. and The Robert Rohm Co. As you will see, Dr. Rohm specializes in helping people better understand themselves and others. Moses and Elijah were still alive and conscience though they had left the earth hundreds of years before this. The way to cultivate a close relationship with Jesus is to spend time with him in prayer. Peter was hoping Jesus would settle in on the summit. He who keeps Israelwill neither slumber nor sleep. The goal is "Living All Out For Jesus". Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. As he stood there looking out over his life and all of his accomplishments, he looked down and realized that the mountaintop was not at all what he thought it would be. Those moments at a worship concert or at the end of a sermon when the person holding the microphone makes a powerful speech with emotional music playing in the background. V:29-the fashion of his countenance was altered, a reflection of another light, but this was light, this glory was from within! Have you trusted in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? You come down from the mountaintop ready for a changed life. There we will walk in His paths and will be taught His ways. For instruction and revelation will come out from Mountaintop Worship Center. 17:5), and Peter and the disciples fall to their faces (17:6). A review of both the Old and New Testaments makes it clear as daywhen it comes to entering sacred space where you can meet God and/or Jesus face to face, theres no substitute for a mountaintop. The Cross was a great accomplishment; not an accident, tragedy, disaster! It is interesting to imagine what it would be like to staff other peoples mountain top experiences. A glorious, spiritual experience where you were alone with Jesus and your soul was lifted above this old world, and you got a taste of heaven. My time in Dallas was informative and meaningful and challenging, but I would not say it was a mountaintop experience. If youve ever been to a mountaintop, then you are familiar with the sensation of inexplicable awe. What an amazing sight! We all need spiritual refreshing from the presence of the Lord; we need encouragement that can come only from being in the presence of Jesus. Horeb, which is described in the bible as the mountain of God. Later, Moses will climb Mt. Keep reading Matthew 17 and youll see that during their descent from the mountain the disciples have a frightening encounter with a demon from hell. But then, everything about Peters mountaintop experience changes. It doesnt mean well have an answer to every question we faced on the mountain top. You can read my full article about the importance of the mountaintop experience HERE. But the Holy Spirit is not constrained to work through baptism only in the moment when it is administered. My belief is the valley is as good as the mountaintop and just as important to our spiritual growth. What we should do is go back every now and then to the memories, the journal entries, the conversations. The law and prophets all meet in Jesus, they point to Jesus, and they preach Jesus. It had been six hundred years since anyone in Israel had seen the Shekinah glory cloud. Peter a man who always had something to say when nothing should be said; said: V:33-Jesus, master, it is good for us to be here. The distinction between the two is clear (now). Herod asked about Jesus, who is this I hear such things about? We must take what weve learned and processed, allowing it to change us. First, unlike other benefactors, God is unwaveringly benevolent. The relationships he had with family and friends had caused him both happiness and sorrow. First things first, don't be afraid to talk openly about mountain top experiences with your students. Jesus skin and clothing no longer glowed. Horeb, Elijah stood in the mouth of a cave and heard God speak not in the wind, nor in the earthquake, nor in the fire, but in the sounds of silence. But as Jesus and his inner circle stood on that mountain the Shekinah glory cloud overshadowed them. I have placed you on the mountaintop for my glory in the last days.. Would you pray and ask God to give you a mountaintop experience; when he does you will see his glory and worship him, understand his work and trust him, hear his word and obey him. Yet, it seems that Peter actually does the opposite. Maybe your mountain top experience was giving your life to Christ for the first time at that altar call. It was a Mountain experience, because JESUS was there! No one deserves worship but Jesus! I'd love to go mountain - climbing. After clarifying among the three who the real hillbilly is (its the one who has They didn't last for years. Thats almost seven weeks of sitting around in the fog! When is the last time you had a mountain-top experience? Your Promised Land Is Chosen by God for Your Freedom and Success. 2. a large mass or heap; pile. For Jesus alone has the words of eternal life. V:33-let us make here three tabernacles; one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah. He has it all in control. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'mountaintop.' A sunrise view from the Solid Rock Hideaway our Vision. Sinai. You will recall that Moses had to return to Mt. When you looked at Jesus he was a common, ordinary Jew-, YET Jesus Christ was much more than a common man when he walked on this earth. My greatest insight from a week of mountain climbing came from the time spent at the bottom of the mountains. But Jesus came and touched [the disciples], saying, 'Rise, and have no fear' (Matt. They were the Lords closes friends, they were with him when he raised Jarius daughter from the dead, and they would be with him in the garden of Gethsemane. Apart from Jesus they fail miserably in dealing with the demon. That thought even reminds me of a song that was once sung by a group that was known as Blood, Sweat and Tears entitled "Spinning Wheel". I have separated the list into Free Resources, Basic Resources, and Advanced Resources. While we face the last couple of weeks of winter there are many things you need to do. It actually turned out to be a good place. A time when you just felt like Gods Spirit was all over you, and around you, and joy filled your heart, and you just felt like you were going to bust! David Briscoe is a content editor at Lifeway for Explore the Bible resources. Thats why he wanted to build dwellings or booths on top of Mt. -In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son. The Mountaintop Experience | A Bold Christian Check out my Recommended Resources list. One trait that gets very little press is that mountain top experiences often involve waiting. And one day he would return with clouds of glory at his second coming. He will teach us about his ways so that we may walk in his paths. For instruction will go out of Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. (Isaiah 2:2-3 CSB). Jesus dead on the Cross as the Lamb of God means Exodus, freedom from sins bondage to all who will apply the blood of Jesus to their heart in faith! But Jesus explained that Elijah had already come in the ministry of John the Baptist. What Is the Significance of Mountains in the Bible? You learn something new about who God is. For that reason, even people who follow God to the mountaintop will likely find themselves waiting patiently and praying for Gods guidance for their next move. Youve never seen something so beautiful and peaceful. Mountaintop Experience - Good Faith Media I would classify Atlanta as a mountaintop experience. I love to see families encouraging and helping one another. But God also spoke, it was Gods voice. It was simply a huge heap of stuff (both good and bad) that he had climbed up in order to get to where he was. Think of those wonderfully cheesy G.I. Properly understood, it is something we receive just like our salvation. If youve ever been to a mountaintop, then you are familiar with the feeling of dizziness. A Mountain Top Experience This is such an awesome piece of Scripture that describes the imagery of a future time when "the mountain of the LORD" and "the house of the God of Jacob" will be a holy place for all the diverse people groups from every nation and of every ethnicity, worshipping God and learning the ways of His wisdom - Amen! It so happens that I know of somebody thats had a mountaintop experience just this past week. This doesnt mean attempting to recreate our mountain top experience. Jesus is the only one to ever walk this earth who was absolutely sinless and holy! As I rest in the valley and meditate on my mountaintop experiences, please have Your Holy Spirit reveal to me what I need to know.Here in the valley, I will rest and feed on the goodness of Your Word. Together they represent the entire O.T. as he calls you to leave bitterness behind, and to forgive and find joy. about evangelism. died on Mt. But, before we get into the prophetic message, lets look at the importance of the mountaintop experience.The mountaintop experience is something many Christians seek after. Salvation is not in a program, or a plan, but in a person-. To hear the voice of God is to be led to the mountaintop. And minds that were already spinning are now completely blown. Pastor James McDonald describes the biblical mountaintop experience as one that involves your mind, emotions, and will. We cant disqualify a mountain top experience as just an emotional reaction. First off, there are a variety of flavors, from White Chocolate, Pumpkin Spice, Mint, Caramel and the list goes on. Barkley spent his final four seasons with the Rockets, but the team's big threecomprised of him, as well as Olajuwon and Clyde Drexlerwas never able to get them back to the NBA, Later that day in February, Ms. Dean visited the, The Tanners handed the Red & Black their first loss of the season and reminded everyone who sits atop the Middlesex, The duo in recent days flew back to Los Angeles from the snowy city of Aspen, Colorado, where they were huddled in deep planning, and now like holy figures coming down from the, The best team in the states largest classification reached the, In the film, Korean detective Hae-joon (Park Hae-il) is probing the death of a climber who fell from a, Post the Definition of mountaintop to Facebook, Share the Definition of mountaintop on Twitter, The businesss new computer system proved not to be a. It is part of your sacred story and it will be a tremendous source of comfort and strength to you when you have to face the dark valley. They see His Glory and they worship Him! Certainly, there is a rhythmic, ordinary nature to daily encounter with Gods Word. Here is our startling recognition: the Christians mountaintop experience is to come in contact with the Word of God. Time to forget about any work you have to do, and treat the weekend as a weekend. In Atlanta, as we met and talked and worshipped, I had a strong sense of energy and enthusiasm and knew clearly that God was saying to me, The time is right and you are ready to begin this work of listening. Whereas before, Listen to My Life sounded really interested and well-done, this time it felt truly life giving. What was the difference? Valleys contain lakes and streams and are where rich grasses and varied types of trees grow.Therefore, ranchers take their cattle and sheep to the valley for the rich food. Nebo, and God buried him in a grave known only to God. On this mountaintop; theyre going to see who Jesus is; theyre going to see the glory of the son of God; theyre going to hear the voice of God as he says this is my beloved son. 1:21). Amen. Both had famous departures from this earth. to love God more than anything else, and love your neighbor as yourself. But never forget that it is a rhythmic, ordinary encounter with the Majestic Voice of God speaking in His Word. 17:1). The glory cloud was the sign of Gods approval on the work that Jesus Christ had come to do; to die on the cross as a sacrifice for mans sin, and be raised from the dead the third day. Peter said it is good to be here. 1:19). Six days earlier Jesus had asked his disciples the question of the hour Who do you say that I am? WhenPeter answered, You are the Messiah, Son of the living God, Jesus was ecstatic, and on the spot named Peter the future head of the church. This is where audiobooks are helpful. I love life! I do not capitalize the name satan in my writing. They are solid and unmovable. I created a Chill Pill playlist on YouTube for some relaxing vibes. Yet, right after this, Christians often go back into the valley where they seem to dwell most of the time. Since the first reported successful climb of that 29,000-foot peak in 1953 by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, more than four thousand different individuals have experienced the thrill. 1:20). Sinai still a third time because he shattered the tablets bearing the Ten Commandments upon hearing that the Israelites had manufactured and worshiped a golden calf in his absence. Tabor. Now this isnt to say drop everything you are doing in life because it doesnt matter. from that experience knowing more about Jesus, more prepared to live and die for him! Perhaps it was getting our drivers license at the age of sixteen. 3:17). We recognize that many of us will not have the privilege to live our lives on the top of a mountain, whether literally or figuratively. top maun-tn-tp Synonyms of mountaintop : the summit of a mountain Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web Barkley spent his final four seasons with the Rockets, but the team's big threecomprised of him, as well as Olajuwon and Clyde Drexlerwas never able to get them back to the NBA mountaintop. Our future includes a great change- corruption-incorruption; mortal- immortal. And the thought of spending an additional 40 days in the fog listening for the voice of God doesnt excite me either. Hermon. The voice of God clearly identified Jesus as his only son, his beloved son, unique one-of-a-kind son. We forget what God said to us when we approached the altar during that sermon. Yet, if we keep going and if we keep climbing, the sum total of all those experiences will keep us moving upward in the right direction. We will recognize our loved ones and others in heaven. Now that you have you hot chocolate, it is time to relax. In the Bible, mountains are often the places where God encounters His people, changes their lives, and sends them back down to the world with a prophetic message. - the law and the, Prophets; the son of God and the three great apostles of the church they are talking about the Cross! This is the walk all . Baptism is NOT something we do. Some experiences are more calm and rational moments. Appropriately enough, both Moses and Elijah, the greatest lawgiver and the greatest prophet, show up to talk with Jesus. Suddenly there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with (Jesus). The Holy Spirit really works through the sacrament of baptism. A Mountain-Top Experience - Faithlife Sermons The other gospel writers say his raiment was white as snow, as no washer on earth could make them. Reflection and resources at the intersection of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens. And if we keep moving upward an onward, we will eventually get to the peak or sum total of our own personal mountaintop experience! Mix it up using almond or coconut milk. Many of us have walked through our own mountain top experience. Cable TV and high speed internet. Afterwards, we go back into the valleys where we live our lives. Whoever has ears, let them hear. Maybe youve realized a new passion you have that you can practice in your community. But make no mistake Jesus was the unrivalled son of God. Gorgeous mountain views off the deck 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. The Christian's Mountaintop Experience - Gentle Reformation We are to listen to no voice that contradicts his voice, his word! Address it with all of them, and make them aware of the pros and cons of the mountain top. Suddenly your problems dont seem like problems anymore. The mission field proves a common place where we experience God in new ways. Sinai with Joshua and Owen during our last days in Egypt, watching the sun rise over the vast chains of mountains in the desert there, and experience a diverse and international group of pilgrims praying their unique prayers at the top. We know how important it is to feed our faith and build our knowledge through reading Christian books. Like the testing of Abraham ( Genesis 22:1-19 ), the receiving of the Ten Commandments ( Exodus 19-20:21) and, of course, the transfiguration ( Matthew 17:1-13 ). Mountain top removal means a coal mining operation that will remove an entire coal seam or seams running through the upper fraction of a mountain, ridge, or hill by removing all of the overburden and creating a level plateau with no highwalls remaining instead of restoring to approximate original contour, and is capable of supporting postmining When the Word is preached, the power and majesty of God are communicated to His people. This was the glory of God that had been veiled by his human flesh shining through. Things may not be the way you want them to be right now, but as long as you do the next right thing and move in a positive direction, you will continue to learn and grow. Tip: Re-evaluate your mountaintop experience. - Insights Well have a better understanding of how that intense moment can fit into our everyday. for a mountain-top experiences is that you will: Jesus was not alone on the mountain, two famous men from the Old Testament show up. 1:19). The people live in the valleys. n. The summit of a mountain. They are solid and unmovable. Consider how Peter engages this question in 2 Peter 1:16-21. Jesus was always getting away to pray and draw strength from His father. They witnessed Jesus transfigurationa majestic visualization of the Lords divine nature as well as His approaching death and resurrection. Both these men had talked with God on mountaintops before. Like you thought you grasped the concept of our large world, but then you realize its more incredible than you believed it to be. Ironically, remaining on the summit for more than just a few minutes can be dangerous for climberseven life-threatening. Moses and company obeyed, hiking to the foot of the mountain where an astonishing thing happened: they saw the God of Israel, and they lived to talk about it! And Im guessing wed have a mountaintop experience at church if we took the time to listen to each other describe our mountaintop experiences. Jesus face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white. Is what youre worried about really worth the worry? Thats because mountaintop experience is a figure of speech that comes right out of Holy Scripture. Jesus does not fall to temptation but whips the Devil soundly on the mountain, and the Evil One slinks away, biding his time until he can harass Jesus again. Click the link below to sign up for updates from Good Faith Media via our daily or weekly e-newsletters. Nighttime temperatures drop wellbelow zero, the air is razor-thin, and killer storms can strike without warning. SEE IT FOR THE FATHOMLESS MYSTERY THAT IT IS. Sinai. 3. a huge amount: a mountain of mail. Taborthis time with his three closest disciples, Peter, James, and John. TheLordwill keepyour going out and your cominginfrom this time on and for evermore. But the ecstasy was short-lived because when Jesus predicted his suffering and death on a cross, Peter reacted so negatively to this unexpected news that Jesus said to Peter, Get behind me, Satan! every Bible should be bound and shoe leather. Waiting feels like a waste of my time. Mountains have a logical religious symbolism for Jewish and Christian cultures since they are "closer to God" who dwells in the heavens (as in the sky). adj. In the Bible, mountains are often the places where God encounters His people, changes their lives, and sends them back down to the world with a prophetic message. those moments in the Bible when God revealed Himself to people on a mountain. Then in Matthew 17, Jesus is once again climbing a mountaintradition says it's Mt. Jesus was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white. And eventually Peter would deny the very one who changed his life. It was a great privilege to see Moses and Elijah, but Jesus was the son of God! By now, its a Christian clich: the mountaintop experience. Stick with that original version of your mountain-top experience--the way you have experienced God. I wasnt so eager to leave the mountaintop. Mountain Top Experience's season generally runs from April through December each year. Mountaintop Experience - Explore the Bible - LifeWay Christian Resources Why not Isaiah and Jeremiah? Moses climbing Mt. , and respond as he calls you to trust him for eternal life. My help comes from theLord,who made heaven and earth. Moses was not left unchanged by his time with God. And appropriately enough, a bright cloud overshadows them, and from the cloud a voice said, This is my Son, the Beloved; with whom I am well pleased; listen to him! As great as Moses and Elijah were, Jesus was and is greater still. It is time to drop the negative connotation attached to valleys and embrace their true purpose. The chosen son of God, the Savior of the world! If we stifle what weve seen and heard and done during those mountain top experiences, then we wont know how to carry them with us into the valley. To experience Christ in the midst of the Great Smoky Mountains. What is your ultimate mountaintop experience? to what Jesus says in his word. tain maun-tn often attributive Synonyms of mountain 1 a : a landmass that projects conspicuously above its surroundings and is higher than a hill The sun set behind the mountains. So many of us begin to desire to leave God's mountaintop through lax engagement with God's Word because the experience feels so ordinary. 2. Any place be it mountaintop, retreat center, or worship service, that can change you inside out should be considered dangerous. Now suddenly, Jesus invites Peter, James, and John for an evening hike up Mt. They would come down that mountain knowing without a shadow of a doubt who Jesus Christ was! When we read His Word, the Majestic Glory of God speaks through His Spirit. Jesus visage became as bright as the sun even as the long-dead Old Testament heroes Moses (representing the law) and Elijah (representing the prophets) appeared and talked with Jesus.
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