Healthier, more cognizant, definitely more proactive. You know, I'm not going to do it again. And and, you know, we need higher quality data. All right. But vitamin C is interesting, too. And then like, if you if you become addicted to it, I mean, it can like you can like go through a series like Die. Yeah. So he got this antibiotic treatment there, like sent him home a couple of days later, he got some IV treatment. And so that's a very common thing. When people ask me about infrared. It's kind of like you read these stories. It's been, it's been almost maybe two years, almost two years, a year and a half. So are you a fan of Kombucha, do you. But it's a great machine and it's just really specifically good for back health, lower back health, decompressing it and even strengthening it, because you can do those back extensions. And so I share a study that may be isolated in and of itself, is not the strongest study. It's been known for years. Unfortunately, not every doctor is the picture of perfect health, with many in very poor shape. You just you get like sometimes when I get nervous, my eye will start watering. And for me, my problem is my my neck is very thick. He's real. Yeah. Yeah, it's. And so it's like this vicious cycle of like making the damage worse. But yeah, depression is measured. But have you noticed an effect on your sleep at all? So, you know, while I've had some training in immunology, I definitely, you know, didn't know, don't know everything there is to know. Yet. No no no no. And it has an amazing Wi-Fi application with fifteen hundred plus recipes and you can even control your grill from anywhere with the app. It would be so scared. Popcorn. Yeah. She goes into the guest room to sleep, like after they go to bed because she can't sleep like it's really bad. Yeah, I just don't know the answer to your question. No kaat why. I guess it was non significant for whatever reason. And that's been shown to people, you know, in clinical studies. I'll find you know al-Thani and see I was looking for my LPT but I was out because that like helps Karmiel. But you're you're increasing your plasma levels more so. You can control the temperature up and down. So, you know, I like it. So that is crazy. Go to to get started on a last will, a living trust and more. I'm sorry. I mean I guess eventually I was doing we were in there, I was in there for I don't know how long and then I'd go in the ice and then go back in there but I would get out and I would collapse. But anyways, you give them this amyloid beta and after like a couple of days, they become paralyzed or they're like laying in their little petri dish plate on the cold food. I know my youngest never want to take naps. Yeah. Bourbon has been designated an essential thing at this time, which I'm all for, that tours at the distillery have been suspended in light of the covid-19 pandemic. Like the difference between intravenous vitamin C and oral are apples and oranges completely different like. Like, I don't know what the x rays will look like. Watch the sunrise or sunset. I have I have family members that think it's like infringing their freedom, you know, and like it it does suck. Top Moments. I was a Osterholm, right? Podcast Notes isnot associated or affiliated with the source podcast (unless otherwise stated). I wanted to tell you this Xyloto. And he shows the X-rays and he shows me before and after. And since then, they have won more awards than any other distillery on the planet. She has dedicated her research career to finding proactive and preventive solutions to aging and longevity. People are more likely to make change when like you can't like if something they have to be motivated to make the change themself or just otherwise it doesn't work, you know. Yes, sure. As you mentioned, there is you know, you don't want to take too much vitamin D, you don't want to like, you know, overdose on it. Dr. Rhonda Patrick Just Set Joe Rogan Straight on Vaccine Myths They both have been shown to increase lymphocyte numbers and also like other milit cells and stuff in people. Most zinc is found in in really high in oysters, but not a lot of people. Oh, he used to be out here. They told me. He published a study where they looked at cardiorespiratory fitness and cardio, I think cardio other cardiovascular disease risk markers in people that were physically fit or physically physically active and plus the sauna or, you know, just physically active. What's holding you back? And when, you know, basically into the bloodstream and then it gets converted into a hormone, this hormone regulates five percent, more than five percent of the human protein encoded human genome. Like, particularly if I wasn't exercising like like almost pre diabetic level fasting blood glucose, like when this is this is when my sleep was being disrupted, when like my son was like younger. But there was there was some studies showing that high dose melatonin, you know, more in the like ten milligram range. But another really interesting thing is that people with type of blood, we were also talking about these like blood clots. But it shouldn't be you shouldn't be scared to do it because that's what's going to protect that area. And like their critics, it's animals and blah, blah, blah. That's that seems a little more difficult. Particularly after hot yoga. It's really good. They've endured them all, and they feel a great sense of responsibility to help out when they can. That means there's 92000 assholes. The most kids get it by the time they're two, like, there's no vaccine that that that's given. Yeah. Wow. I'm not saying that vitamin D is going to prevent you from getting covid-19 or it's a treatment, although I am involved in a clinical study where we're going to be testing a very small open arm study we can talk about. One eighty, one eighty is great. So it does make sense, but I don't. One day we'll do it. It's cool. It plays a big role in protecting that's been shown in multiple studies like. I'll show it to you. It's the easiest way to cook. There's an sciatica is is a nerve that comes from your spine right here. But I think that's also a really good I mean, there's a ton of theories. You should when they start to go there, I'm like, you should have a hard time and you should judge. I mean, so important. But you have to be able to adapt to that. Randomized controlled trials showing that zinc, zinc acetate or zinc gluconate like lozenges, they can dramatically lower the duration of common cold. All right. But I would like to see a study on whether or not it varies between the East Coast in the West Coast, because over here we do have all these sunny days and people right outside far more often than they are in New York or California. And then in Europe and also in North America, this other this other form, the glycine mutant is prominent. You're you're getting them and they kind of just move around just to feel like their nose just moving around. So I think, you know, there's there's lots of avenues for, you know, therapeutics. Have you had an MRI? And then it came back like a couple of months later or like a few months later back when we were home. And I'm like totally relaxed in bed. I'm just like, OK, let me start to tell you some benefits, like some real benefits. That's it. We hear about nurses. Rogan at checkout to get free shipping on all orders were also brought to you by the motherfucking cash app cash app. If you would prefer a capsule form of vitamin K2 and vitamin k we suggest . I think sanitising making sure you're using hand sanitizer and cleanliness and all the good stuff. A fucking dollar. That's Louis right there. Oh, yeah. It's you know, it's probably enough to like if you are a health care worker, your first line, you know, health, you know, first responder people that are definitely like being exposed to large doses of the virus, that that could be a promising area. So that's that's the thing right there, the machine. What you're getting is your lower back. Visit trigger grills dotcom. Do you. So I think vitamin D really is the is the star. I mean, like because there's a lot of people that are deficient in vitamin D and it's a steroid hormone. But there's been studies that have shown that you can I mean, people that have taken, you know, ten thousand I use a day for for multiple years, haven't had any hypoglycemia or had, you know, problems, but too much vitamin D can be toxic. It is taking five. But I love it. According to NHANES data, older adults were 63 % more likely to have vitamin D deficiency and 46 % more likely to have vitamin D insufficiency than young adults while other sources have suggested a 70-year-old may produce 4 times less vitamin D than their former 20-year-old selves. Most people that are healthy don't ever know they have it because there's no symptoms. You know, like like someone like 28 percent of the U.S. population is actually deficient, like less than 20 nanograms ml. We really have to make sure that we have water purification. And so soon and BDNF plays a role in that. I was like, how do I get out here? It does it doesn't do shit to your plasma levels like you're still at baseline. Absolutely mimics it. This virus, it's stuck with you lifelong, and it kind of reactivates every few years and like every time it reactivates, it kind of trains your T cells, you know, which are part of your immune system to to become focused on that CMB. Who knows back then. I like love. But you're on this platform and all the weight is on this belt instead of on your shoulders. Like, my Mother-In-Law has to go. Like if you have a herniation of the disc or if you have a bulging disc, it's pushing against your nerve. I think one of the strains, it was like they could do a certain dose, like ten to the seven in tissue culture or whatever units were. I think the first time I came on your podcast, like, I know many years, it's been it's been a while, but I talked about this on years. Right. So the one that I drink is two grams per serving and there's two servings so there's only four grams of sugar. You end up having less A2, which causes like can cause severe lung injury. I'm sure they can get a lot of I mean, I'm sure there's someone listening to this right now. Health is important for you to function. So I can I could actually get work done. But also it's been shown that the hydrogen peroxide does not damage the normal cells like normal northie normal healthy people. So like after the onset of symptoms. Did you know that it actually mimics exercise like literally like that's been shown. Oh, it totally overcomes all those, like, saturated mechanisms. That's the antidepressant effect like that. Please do. That's number one. You can do online. Yeah. Dr. Rhonda Patrick Goes In Depth on the Benefits of Vitamin D But I forgot what it was. So take an important step for your family today. She has tweeted several important studies available for reference at on this tweet thread. It was like what you were in twenty twenty now. RELATED: Dr. Rhonda Patricks Fish Oil Protocol. Did it? Quercetin is an antioxidant that supports a healthy immune system and clears out senescent cells which help to prevent any age-related diseases from developing. And there's been large, randomized controlled trials showing that it dramatically reduces mortality with sepsis. You know, basically it's made in the skin. I love like I love Bob. Without good health, it is incredibly difficult if not impossible to revel in the joy of life. And it can lead to a. Yeah. There have been some studies that have compared I mean, there's benefits with these infrared scanners there in Japan. There's been studies correlating it with seasonal affective disorder and all that. Oh, I'm glad you brought that up, because there was, you know, so a couple of things. Normally it goes to your liver and it's involved in blood coagulation, but when there's enough vitamin K one around, it stays in the periphery and it moves calcium periphery being bloodstream it calcium out of the bloodstream and takes it to places where it's supposed to go like the bones in the muscle. Does that have any effect on vitamin D? And so until that was known, I guess maybe the Mayo Clinic, they just thought, oh, vitamin C is vitamin C, you just can take an orally and until like some of that data started coming out, the pharmacokinetic data where it was like, no, it's not the same thing. Pressure is in Tarzana. Whoa, crazy, right? I love their rubs, their Saskatchewan blackened rub. You should have an MRI. That's like sciatica. But older people have the complete opposite where it's like, you know, deleterious. I love energy. And I took it because I was like, well, she's sick and I've been around her and like, I don't want to get sick. Wow. He said it wasn't like, you know, that's what's crazy about this. I love it. He it's some claim it's a cultural thing. There's a lot of researchers out there trying to, like, figure out if genetics is involved in this. But I've just learned so much, you know, over the past couple of months. He was laying on his back and really snoring loud. Rhonda Patrick: They've been shown to prevent muscle atrophy. They're probably not happy with the relationship or their job. And also like the there's a heat shock proteins and all those things like help. Eventually I'm like, OK, I got to go back to the dentist because, you know, pregnancy makes your teeth worse. And I would get out and I would go out to the mats out there and just collapse. Ropin. Oh yeah. No, no. But anyways, what can I ask you this point? And when you say what is the methodology like, what are they using? The other three that were asymptomatic had as they were, they were spreading sorry, shedding as much virus that could make them, you know, basically contagious and, you know, basically able to transmit the strains. So so here's my story. So if you do it like before symptoms, like there's a better, you know, outcome as well. And also in Sweden, there's a huge population of Somalis that have migrated to Sweden and they have been identified as being severely vitamin D deficient because a lot of the Somalis have also like autism rates are really high there. So he doesn't believe in you can't wear like swimsuits or anything in this on him. We got we got a lot in the vitamin D information was so fascinating. Dr. Rhonda Patrick was right. Getting your vitamin D = less depression It was like from the waist down. My kids are having drive by birthday parties where they drive by with fucking bounce. So I showed him. Getting your vitamin D = less depression : r/JoeRogan. Like if you want, you're trying to like, see what effect vitamin C has on whatever outcome you're going to want to weight raise someone's plasma levels. No kids different. Yeah. That's one thing that they're investigating. Yeah. But what's interesting is when you get above the pop up newsletter at my newsletter is great. 20 minutes into it at 210. Well, in the in the. Yes. It's like this like and now I'm, I'm guarantee you it's just pure form and all kinds of things need to do more. So, you know, and then there was another study that was like some other messed up diabetic animal model where the vitamin D actually didn't increase the ace to receptor, but it increased what's called soluble ace to which is in like it's in the periphery. Maybe that's why they're shittier, you know? But when you say an antidepressant, there's no real way to measure that. I like it. But I think in the short term, you know, particularly like in the short term and particularly in patient people that have already been infected, you know, it may be wise to to to try giving your patient, like if you're a physician, you know, dealing with this may be wise to try and see their vitamin D levels and perhaps give them some, you know, is this being explored? African-Americans are in the United States. It is. I've been doing it. It's called Like the Truth Barole or something. What is happening to people when they are vitamin D? But I'm not even saying preventative. It was so hot like, like, like I, I was, I was like on some kind of mind altering drug like this like and I think that's the point with those guys. But because I can I'm good at jumping rope and it should have been doing that. But there is some actual legitimate research elderberry like has been shown in randomised controlled trials to like effect know the immune system and lower cold duration and stuff like that, you know. But so fluoride fluoride has been shown. Right. And then the other thing is that these publications are being uploaded on, you know, before they're peer reviewed. So I'm taking nine milligrams a night. Like, that's what I wanted to say, you know, just a few of those those guys that you just like you like maybe I just I don't know, like do a big comprehensive search the literature and understand things and, you know, don't have that exact study just yet. And I swear I would I would have endurance just for sure. What is rhonda patrick a doctor of? Oh, I don't think that's accurate. You just want to be mean, you know, and that's what a lot of people are doing. Well that's me too. They never felt it. I can't say enough good things about this grill. And and there's a there's like a theory going around because that specific region, it's been shown in sars-cov-2 one to cause antibody dependent enhancement. You know, like this was like the worst. And they're having a Trager day. And I love it with meat. No, I know I haven't looked into the economy. It says it may sound bizarre animals, but llamas could be the key to fighting new coronavirus researchers from Belgium. And so it's part of the adaptation process as well, you know, being able to handle the heat stress. Yeah. It's questions interesting because it's Zingana for it's also been identified to have activity against Sajko one antiviral activity against Sajko, one doesn't nootropic properties as well. I mean, a lot of data that needs to pass out, a lot of data that needs to be generated. So then I went they were all jumping in the lake after and I'm like, I'm going to just sit on this patio. And then potentially, you know, you may have this like non neutralizing antibody that could cause problems. She takes the time to explain these important findings. I mean it hurts, everything hurts. So with that that lady right there in that image, she's holding onto those handles. But I think I think there's some promise out there for it just makes you feel good, does it? You can. Say it again. I would say that it's the marketings got a little ahead of the science for that. I usually use it at home, but sometimes I use it here when I like, right after workouts like if I workout I try to get a workout here before, you know, like before do podcasts and I'll time it so they have an extra hour so I can get in the sauna. And oftentimes these vaccine studies are used to kind of test the immune response and like how you're how robust your immune response is because you're you're given a vaccine and there's all different types of vaccines, you know, pieces of an antigen or different types of, you know, ways that you can you can expose someone to a bacteria or virus, but you have a response to it. And also you can do leg extensions and a bunch of other people doing dips and other exercises from the the teeter. It is. Why says who? People are knock on door. Like the sauna to me is like that's so important because it's giving these people a potential cardiovascular workout. It's horrible. But there's a woman who reached out to me. You do actually you do regular sweat doesn't have to be from Sonic and from exercise. Yeah. Joe Rogan Supplements: Advice & Recommendations So what's so. That's a big difference. When it's cold and rainy with short days, I don't feel nearly as happy. But like, the whole time. Yes. This episode explores David Friedberg's thoughts on peer-reviewed science, gain-of-function research, the human gut, entrepreneurship, and FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. So we went to hospital. And so they have like the day I won, it was not Coed Day. So the xylitol gum somehow. You do use the sauna, though, right? Why is that? Yeah, what what dose do you recommend for intravenous vitamin C? Showers. I cook on one of these grills at least three or four days a week. There was a study that linked. After hot yoga. They're more scared that they could be affected by a severe, you know, case of this. Totally. Solid do it basically four or five days a week. But neuroplasticity is is associate with depression, like not like not being able like stressful conditions and stuff like that, like not being able to like adapt. I'll be willing to do it. I mean, that's a big open question that seems possible without we don't have an answer to that. It's like like it's like my my teeth get dirtier. Like the more leg strength you had, like the improve, it was like some kind of crazy no to me. But if you take it like, you know, four times a day, you can stay at 220. We were just like we bought freezers I elk burger. So I was like into the that not even all the muscle and all the cardiovascular. 2015 I stop, I cut that out like I finished my postdoc so I published a couple of studies. The dark one. When I introduce people to it, I have them do no weight. That could get some animal studies started on that. You know, let's let's figure out testing. And so the type of antibodies were identified. So yeah. So it's micrograms per liter in their blood. When the importance of vitamin D is considered in regards to the health of the human body, it becomes essential for good overall health. I mean, I'm reading all these publications. And so that adaptive immune system usually takes about seven days after you're exposed to the virus. But what just, you know, doing some some reading about like, why are people's immune systems so different? So, like, I think that's really important from bright light exposure is just there's just study after study showing it sets your circadian clock boom. Legal Zoom Where Life Meets Legal. Right. I've gone places and forgot it in a panic like fuck. Anything else, is anything else help you out for sleeping. The vitamin binds to receptors on neutrophils, macrophages, and natural killer cells and stimulates them to produce microbial peptides that have antiviral activity. Right? Twenty percent of all rubs sources in Liner's visit, Tregear grills Dotcom Joe and use the code Rogan at checkout to get free shipping on all orders. So she right now, her name is Doctor. Right. I mean, I can't believe how many studies I read on vitamin 190 references in our article, the 28 page article on our website. This episode, the podcast is brought to you by Trager Grills. Yes, that's the best way to get it. I didn't know anything about that. And I would also like to see something done on whether or not that contributes to how many people get sick over there. I like the ginger lemon a lot and I like this one. I've I'm it's pretty interesting. They're not just like, boom, full stop going to, like, increase something when everything's normal. So he gets in over two hundred degrees with a fucking aerodyne bike with oven mitts on this crazy asshole is riding in Aerodyne. It's from that plant. The problem is, is that melanin also blocks your your ability to produce vitamin D, but if you're out in the sun all the time, you know, in a place where you're getting UVB radiation, it's not a problem. You get someone who's like like my mom, who she's she's sedentary. Obese, also obese people are like three times more likely to be vitamin deficient in the United States. Yes. In the early days of social media before I got a handle on it idea like, fuck, this is stress. I've had helped fund new study she's going to be doing where she's going to get depressed patients to basically be exposed to this sauna. Promoting strategies to increase healthspan, well-being, cognitive and physical performance through deeper understandings of biology. I hope you got some good information on this. It's a huge factor. But here's the interesting thing about this virus, is that it so this is one of the major things multiple studies have been looking at, like, you know, just immune variability. I like 180 Fahrenheit for sure. D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis TN and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis TN.. What fish oil does Rhonda Patrick take? You can't manage that, right? But like like biology is always way more complicated than just a simple taking it out of a big picture. There is some non-human primates studies that that did that and also animal studies as well. This strategy that you guys have, you're not adjusting and adapting. Oh yeah. Well, some of them, they have poor people, especially in the beginning when you're seeing these people that were like using makeshift masks and just trying to. And the sauna, but but I need to be better about resistance training for sure. So I came across this xylitol toothpaste and say, well, this is my little toothpaste. Yeah. So, I mean, do you think that this could be a factor in why so many African-Americans are getting hit so hard? And it'll help treat eventually they'll identify one that works. So it usually that's usually what it's just doing is, you know, moving calcium out and bringing it to the bones. Yeah, yeah. Well, we don't I don't know. I would love to have something to measure it without having to take my watch in there, because I don't like sitting like it's like, you know, well, the strap measures are really well and it'll give you like you could actually mark it down as an activity. So it was like twice as much and the other and the ginger lemon one. Vitamin D reduces the risk of death from COVID-19. Like someone needs to be naked somewhere. Maybe they've like they've definitely like gotten their gotten more on game since then. I take it before I do kickboxing workouts, a chew chew gum. I was actually doing it once a week before. Because I would imagine it would be simple for them to do that. Fuck off, buddy. So it's like meat and vegetables, like, you know, my meals don't get me over one hundred for sure. And I'm like for a little bit it's going to be nighttime soon. I think it's going to be once a week. I mean, there's a lot of different repurposing drugs that are being investigated, you know, and I think over the next couple of months and then Regeneron is already, you know, doing one of these monoclonal antibodies. I also had a gym I was going to for. The medical model used by the United States Endocrine Society covers a wide range of vitamin D functions as opposed to just bones.
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