The new Curriculum for Wales will be introduced in 2022 and is at the heart of an effort to ensure that children and young people in Wales have the best support and opportunities to be able to thrive for the future of Wales. with practitioners in other schools beyond their cluster(s) to help ensure equity across the education system. Observational assessment should be used and practitioners should look for evidence of embedded learning to assess what a learner can do consistently and independently in a range of learning experiences. As such phases and stages do not exist in the new curriculum. Poster outlining the 4 purposes of education for children and young people. iBSL informed CCEA Regulation in January 2023 of its intention to surrender recognition in respect of all of . There is a clear link between these discussions and transition arrangements both within and between schools and settings. Local authorities and regional consortia have an important role in ensuring that all practitioners have an opportunity to participate in meaningful professional dialogue for the purposes of developing a shared understanding of progression. been dismissed. on-entry assessment arrangements for funded non-maintained nursery settings. Explains what the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act will do. There are a number of fundamental matters that schools and settings should consider when making assessment arrangements to support their curriculum and providing learning experiences in the classroom. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, New Curriculum for Wales. More information on each of these main participants is detailed below. These should include established cluster working but also school networks, relationships with relevant funded non-maintained nursery settings, PRUs and EOTAS providers. Progression step 5. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. LASZLO FEDOR CURRICULUM for Wales: Mastering Mathematics for 11-14 year (Poche) - EUR 37,58. Ratings & Reviews. Create confident and capable mathematicians with accessible explanations and. New curriculum requirements for all learners aged 3 to 16 in maintained or funded non-maintained nursery education. The understanding a practitioner has of each individual learner, gained from assessment, is essential in supporting this process. Therefore, to develop and maintain a shared understanding of progression, local authorities must make arrangements to: We recommend that local authorities encourage EOTAS providers to participate in discussions relating to progression when approached by a school to which, or from which, they have learners transitioning and/or dual registered learners. The Education Reform Act 1988 introduced a standardised National Curriculum in England and Wales. engage with the providers of funded non-maintained nursery education whereby learners transition from a setting to their school, inviting them to participate in ongoing professional dialogue, engage with PRUs to which, or from which, they have learners transitioning and/or dual registered learners, inviting them to participate in ongoing professional dialogue. As part of the learning process, practitioners and learners should develop an understanding of how each learner learns and what their attitudes and approaches to learning are, in order to support their continuing progress and to foster commitment to their learning. Our new Welsh Progression Steps Frameworks are now available. Practitioners should provide opportunities for learners to undertake peer assessment and self-assessment, supporting them to develop these skills in a way which is appropriate to the developmental stage of each learner. between progression steps with skill-checker activities at the start of each topic and review questions after each However, decisions relating to the frequency of meetings and engagement opportunities lie with the school/setting leaders. This incorporates biology, chemistry, physics,computer science anddesign and technology. Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign held every March. Details of the statutory requirements for the production of transition plans to support the transition process can be found in the summary of legislation section of the Curriculum for Wales guidance. Around this time, sisters Gwendoline and Margaret Davies - granddaughters of Welsh industrialist David Davies and owners of Gregynog, a country estate in the county of . Assessment must be an ongoing process that is embedded within day-to-day planning and practice as it is fundamental to the learning process. This annual report sets out the progress made to date in implementing these recommendations to reinforce the importance of teaching past and present experiences and contributions of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities as part of the story of Wales across the curriculum. Much work has been done to identify key areas for development in light of local & national priorities. Where possible, schools and settings should engage in professional dialogue beyond their cluster to help increase their understanding of progression. For ease, links to the relevant sections of this guidance will be provided in the Welsh Ministers assessment arrangements guidance for funded non-maintained nursery settings. HWB.GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. guidance to support settings in developing a shared understanding of progression, guidance to support the on-going assessment of progression for learners in funded non-maintained nursery settings. Evaluation, improvement and accountability arrangements within the education system are separate to assessment arrangements but historically have been seen to influence how assessment is perceived and how it is undertaken. The information provided should not contain descriptions of the topics and learning activities the learner has undertaken, unless this is to provide context, but should focus on the progression itself and the individual needs and support of the learner. Updated Help for 2022 Catch-up Resources Remote Learning Support Home Learning Hub Digital Teaching Help . The guidance is published pursuant to section 71 of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021. More information can be found online. This should be achieved by embedding assessment into day-to-day practice in a way that engages the learner and makes it indistinguishable from learning. As such, practitioners should assess all learners across the 3 to 16 continuum based on the progression articulated in their school or settings curriculum and in their planned learning intentions. Where possible, learners should be enabled to gather examples of their learning, articulate their own progress and achievements, and convey their aspirations and views on the next steps in their learning. Schools and settings should encourage and enable parents and carers to: Schools and settings should engage external partners to: The principles of progression and the descriptions of learning, articulated in the Curriculum for Wales guidance, are intended to guide curriculum design and learning and teaching, with assessment arrangements and classroom practice being an integral part of both. Working within the Curriculum for Wales framework, overall assessment arrangements at a school or setting level are a matter for individual schools and settings to determine as they design their own curriculum. This is important to help them: spot any issues or extra support they need. What practical support might you need in doing this? The framework for evaluation, improvement and accountability aims to drive behaviours which positively support and enable our vision for curriculum and assessment, giving practitioners and school leaders the confidence to learn and improve their practice continually to best support learner progression. These could include regular whole staff meetings, departmental meetings and cross-department groups. In turn, the outcomes of professional dialogue within the school, setting and/or cluster will provide valuable input into discussions at a regional and national level. Maths Week is an event that you can hold at your school at any time of the year to promote the importance of mathematical skills and show how we use mathematics and numeracy in our everyday lives. Assessment should also enable practitioners and leaders within the schools, and, where appropriate, in settings, to understand to what extent and in what ways different groups of learners are making appropriate progress. This is your chance to get to know the new curriculum and make your contribution. If you are a parent or carer, a learner, an employer or someone with a general interest in the curriculum, or a particular part of it, you can find out how education is changing. Staff know their pupils well. . Successful Futures recommended a change from the current phases and key stages to a continuum of learning from 3 16 years old. Curriculum for Wales: Progression Code The Code sets out the ways in which a curriculum must make provision for all learners. Following a feedback period which ended in July 2019, the refined version will be available in January 2020, which will be used throughout Wales from 2022. The proposals make it clear that assessment is an integral part of learning and teaching and should not be conflated with external accountability and national monitoring activities. The necessary cookies set on this website are as follows: A 'sessionid' token is required for logging in to the website and a 'crfstoken' token is Tes Global Ltd is The new continuum has progression steps, reference points that relate broadly to expectations at 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 years of age. The principles of progression can offer schools an organising framework and shared narrative for their communications with parents and carers. Some cookies are necessary in order to make this website function correctly. For the same purpose, schools will engage with funded non-maintained nursery settings as well as PRUs and other EOTAS providers with whom they have relationships to support learner transition and dual registered learners. Auteur: Laszlo Fedor. They are not a series of criteria to be directly assessed against, nor can they be assessed by discrete assessment tasks, independent of learning and teaching activities. Schools can use our assessment frameworks to help prepared for the new Curriculum for Wales 2022. These decisions should be guided by: In developing arrangements to enable professional dialogue between practitioners for the purpose of developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression, we recommend that leaders begin by considering what relationships and structures are already in place within and across their schools/settings which can evolve, be adapted or improved. The draft guidance on assessment arrangements to support the Welsh Ministers curriculum was made available on 1 September 2022. Communicating effectively with parents and carers on an ongoing basis is an important way to foster positive relationships in order to engage them in purposeful and meaningful dialogue. Specific assessment approaches will depend on the knowledge, skills and experiences being developed and on the needs of learners. Information that flows from assessing learner progress should be used to identify strengths and areas for improvement in both the curriculum and daily practice, including consideration of how the needs of learners as individuals have been met. Progression and the Curriculum for Wales 2022. 03rd March 2023. experiences and skills for careers and the workplace, learning about local, national and international contexts. An indication of most appropriate practitioners to contribute to the most relevant discussions in supporting learner progression (depending on the focus of the discussions under consideration). To develop and maintain a shared understanding of progression, the teacher in charge and management committee of a PRU, and the local authority that maintains it, must: We strongly advise that PRUs participate in professional dialogue for the purpose of developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression when approached by schools to which, or from which, they have learners transitioning and/or dual registered learners. Secondary schools were given a choice of whether to teach it to Year 7 in 2022/23, as originally planned, or wait a further year until it also becomes statutory for Year 8 in September 2023. They both must therefore be able to consider whether assessment arrangements are delivering the required purpose, to support learner progression, and to evaluate whether schools are using the assessment information, as part of their evaluation and improvement processes, in the right way to improve effectiveness. Learning will include skills and experiences, as well as knowledge. Secondary schools are also encouraged to engage with leaders of post-16 settings, for example, further education institutions. . Equally, continuity of learning to support progression for learners is crucial at this stage in a learners journey. Careers education comprises three distinct elements - lessons specifically on careers, embedding careers in the curriculum, and gaining experience of the world of work. Underpinned by the four purposes of the new Curriculum for Wales, this book empowers pupils with the knowledge and Some of these may be specific to individual areas of learning and experience (Areas), some may apply across more than one Area and others may be specific to learners with additional needs. The curriculum specified what subjects should be taught and what standard children were expected to reach by different ages. Mount Stuart Primary is currently working towards the new Curriculum for Wales which will come into effect from September 2022. This might help define future priorities for leadership, curriculum design, planning, learning and teaching. Progression step 2. Assessment planning and practice, built into the curriculum and classroom practice, should recognise this and allow for a variety of diversions, stops and variations in pace in a learners journey. Moving from primary to secondary school is a key milestone in a learners journey, and being properly supported to make this transition is important for all learners. There has been a lot of focus on work experience over recent years, with two of the Gatsby Benchmarks in England directly related (5. To fully support progression along the 3 to16 continuum, schools and settings should work collaboratively in their clusters and across wider networks. the pace and challenge of expectations the process of developing a shared understanding enables practitioners and schools and settings to explore whether their expectations for learners are sufficiently challenging and realistic and whether any support is required by individuals, further supporting equity for all learners, provide ongoing opportunities for practitioners to reflect on their understanding of progression and how it is articulated in their curriculum, thus feeding into their curriculum and assessment design, planning and self-evaluation and improvement processes, provide ongoing opportunities for practitioners to compare their thinking to other similar schools and settings, providing a level of consistency of expectation while retaining local flexibility, strengthen understanding of approaches and practice between schools and settings, including, where relevant, funded non-maintained nursery settings, PRUs and other EOTAS providers, within their school; and across their school cluster group(s). The National Network will be an opportunity for all interested practitioners to get involved in national co-construction to address our shared challenges and opportunities. The new Curriculum for Wales will apply from the age of 3 to 16 and provide for a continuum of learning rather than the separation of schooling into key stages as at present. What relationships do you already have that could support professional dialogue about progression between schools and settings? In doing so, they should take into account the diverse needs of individual learners across the breadth of the curriculum. There will be opportunities for practitioners to engage in discussions on progression as part of: The learning gained from such discussions at a regional and national level should feed back into processes at a local level. This will give practitioners the ability to come together nationally to discuss progression in Curriculum for Wales. Supporting learner progression assessment guidance. To develop and maintain a shared understanding of progression, the head teacher and governing body of a school must put arrangements in place to enable all practitioners involved in learning and teaching to participate in ongoing professional dialogue: The head teacher and governing body of a school must also put arrangements in place to: To support practitioners to develop and maintain a shared understanding of progression, leaders of funded non-maintained nursery settings must: We also strongly advise them to participate in professional dialogue for the purpose of developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression with schools into which their learners transition. This includes developing and embedding a robust and effective process for the transition of learners along the 3 to 16 continuum. Welsh Governments response to Audit Wales report on the Curriculum for Wales. What practical arrangements might be needed to enable this? Assessment plays a fundamental role in enabling each individual learner to make progress at an appropriate pace, ensuring they are supported and challenged accordingly. The priorities for discussions across an academic term/school year, ensuring that progression across the full breadth of the curriculum is covered appropriately on an ongoing basis. The other steps are: Professional dialogue between practitioners within and across schools and settings must happen on an ongoing basis. An 'awsUploads' object is used to facilitate file uploads. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Each school will choose specific means to implement practice that identifies and addresses any needs of individual learners for additional challenge or support. Request a different format. This sets out the 3 phases that form the iterative process of curriculum design for schools and settings (engagement; designing, planning and trialling; and evaluation and preparing for first teaching).
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