The name associated with this phase of South East Asian history is Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge, a name that still resonates as the personification of evil. Its a MYTH. Some historians have referred to the expansion not as migration, but a process of colonization. A boundary commission, sponsored by the British government, attempted to divide India along Hindu and Muslim lines. Prior to the arrival of Bantus in Southeast Africa, Cushitic-speaking peoples had migrated into the region from the Ethiopian Highlands and other more northerly areas. The economic suffering of the German people that followed, and the rise of nationalism that this set in motion, created ideal circumstances for a merchant and banking class to attract the attention of a disposed population. The text of this article was commissioned by History Guild as part of our work to improve historical literacy. In many ways, it defined the British Empire. In terms of sheer numbers, it is probably the Holodomor, also known as the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-33, that racked up the greatest score. There is strength in numbers and our Bantu speaking ancestors always had large families consistent with our pro-natalist mindset. It was this policy in the end that is credited with saving Ireland from the worst possible consequences of crop failure. The expansion reached South Africa, probably as early as AD 300.[7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. No genocide to date had been based so completely on myths, on hallucinations, on abstract, nonpragmatic ideology which was then executed by very rational, pragmatic means.. It is reprinted here with the agreement of the R.S.A.Google Scholar, 2 Johnston, H. H., A survey of the ethnography of Africa: and the former racial and tribal migrations of that continent, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, XLIII (1913), 3912.Google Scholar, 3 Wrigley, C. C., Speculations on the economic prehistory of Africa, Journal of African History, I (1960), 201.Google Scholar, 4 McBurney, C. B. M., The Stone Age of Northern Africa (1960), 234.Google Scholar. The discussion concludes that the Bantu phenomenon is best understood as a colonisation, migration, expansion, dispersal, or diffusion. . Under the rule of both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, numerous document examples of unnatural mass deaths have been recorded. Before the expansion of Bantu-speaking farmers, Central, Southern, and Southeast Africa was populated by Pygmy foragers, Khoisan-speaking hunter-gatherers, Nilo-Saharan-speaking herders, and Cushitic-speaking pastoralists. They subsequently rebelled, attracting a violent response from the Germans. The ideological underpinning of all of this was simply the Maoist principle of transforming Cambodia into rural and classless society, with a population consigned to labor on collectivized farms. The name associated with this phase of South East Asian history is Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge, a name that still resonates as the personification of evil. Hitler harnessed this anger and dissatisfaction and directed it at the Jews. In the process, the Proto-Bantu-speaking settlers displaced or absorbed pre-existing hunter-gatherer and pastoralist groups that they encountered. From anti-Semitic pogroms to attacks against the Cossack minority, and numerous deportations and mass imprisonments, the history of the Soviet Union is replete with genocide. Simon Webb's take on anything to do with African histories and cultures is mostly bunk. Granted, there was defo some conflict between the Bantu and Hunter-Gatherers (as well Nilotic and Cushitic pastoralists) but that doesn't mean there was a genocide. If you believe you should have access to that content, please contact your librarian. India and Pakistan would be separated, with what is today Bangladesh part of mainland Pakistan. During the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, an estimated one million people, largely Tutsi, were killed. Doctors, teachers, monks, journalists, the wealthy, artists, anyone with an education and ethnic or religious minorities were all singled out for arbitrary execution. Bambuti | Pygmy groups | Britannica Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Michael C. Campbell and Sarah A. Tishkoff, "The Evolution of Human Genetic and Phenotypic Variation in Africa,", "Genetic and Demographic Implications of the Bantu Expansion: Insights from Human Paternal Lineages", "The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans", "On the edge of Bantu expansions: MtDNA, Y chromosome and lactase persistence genetic variation in southwestern Angola", "Y-chromosomal variation in sub-Saharan Africa: Insights into the history of NigerCongo groups", "Phylogeographic analysis of the Bantu language expansion supports a rainforest route", "Early migrations into East Africa | Enzi", "Inferring the Demographic History of African Farmers and Pygmy HunterGatherers Using a Multilocus Resequencing Data Set", "Cultural phylogeography of the Bantu Languages of sub-Saharan Africa", "Bringing together linguistic and genetic evidence to test the Bantu expansion", "Bantu expansion shows that habitat alters the route and pace of human dispersals", "Bantu Language Trees Reflect the Spread of Farming across Sub-Saharan Africa: A Maximum-Parsimony Analysis",, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from November 2022, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2015, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 11:21. Hostname: page-component-7fc98996b9-ttbxf How much did the Khoisan population shrink during the Bantu expansion In total, about 11.2 million people successfully crossed the India-West Pakistan border in different directions, mostly through the Punjab region. The mechanics of the Holocaust are now so universally understood that nothing can be added here. The definition of genocide is fluid enough for it to be very easily claimed, and no less easily rejected. Therefore, the Bantu Expansion is not a textbook example of a farming/language dispersal. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Linguistic, archeological and genetic evidence indicates that during the course of the Bantu expansion, "independent waves of migration of western African and East African Bantu-speakers into southern Africa occurred. 285.Google Scholar, 16 Mathew, Gervase, The East African coast until the coming of the Portuguese, in Oliver, R. and Mathew, G., History of East Africa I (Oxford, 1963), 96.Google Scholar, 17 This was an Iron Age Colonization; therefore it Cannot have been earlier in time than the spread of the Iron Age in Indonesia around the first century A.D.Google Scholar, 18 Freeman-Grenville, G. S. P., The East African Coast (1962), 15, etc.Google Scholar, 19 Guthrie, Malcolm, loc. They are from Western Africa and East African countries like Tanzania. } Select your institution from the list provided, which will take you to your institution's website to sign in. Roberts, A. D. Mai Mai militia groups aided in the formation of military bases within the Hutu Refugee camps. The result was a mass slaughter as Muslims trapped in India sought to flee to Pakistan, and Hindus and Sikhs caught in Pakistan tried to make it across the border into India. The Khmer Rouge, a communist group headed by revolutionary, Pol Pot, allied itself with Sihanouk against the coup plotters, thus creating the conditions for the bloody civil war that followed. This response quickly escalated to orchestrated genocide, and was extended beyond the Herero to the neighboring Namaqua people, who were of Khoisan origin, and the San, or Bushmen as well. There is this historian by the name of Simon Webb and this he said that the Bantu Expansion was a genocide of multiple people in South Africa. Researchers have found ways to trace the movement of Bantu-speaking peoples that began possibly as early as 2000 BCE. Archaeological evidence from the separate works of Jean Hurault (1979, 1986 & 1988) and Rigobert Tuech (2000) in the region reveals that this region has been inhabited by the same culture for 5 millennia, from 3000 B.C to date. Perhaps, instead of asking how, the question why might be better suited to this format. The Bantu people wielded significant influence and undoubtedly dominated every area they settled in. Quite as the Turkish government and people reject outright the definition of the Armenian deportation as genocide, so the British government also regard the Great Irish Famine of 1845-1852. Archaeological findings have shown that by 100 BC to 300 AD, Bantu speaking communities were present at the coastal areas of Misasa in Tanzania and Kwale in Kenya. The Khmer Rouge regime was characterized by extreme and indiscriminate brutality. The Problem of the Bantu Expansion | The Journal of African History There was, of course, a great deal of mercantile resistance, but the British government held firm. Starving Herero Tribesmen Source: Wikimedia. The result was the decimation of the interior population of South Africa, and the ruination of the social and productive landscape. The scope of the Armenian genocide is usually defined as the physical extermination of Armenian Christians living within the geographic boundaries of the Ottoman Empire, between 1915 and 1916. The Mfecane. Press J to jump to the feed. 10010, with the primary authorities cited on p. 176. It seems likely that the expansion of the Bantu-speaking people from their core region in West Africa began around 40003500BC. "[26] In some places, genetic evidence suggests that Bantu language expansion was largely a result of substantial population replacement. WWII, however, reconfigured the imperial landscape, and by then, India was demanding independence, and the British were more than willing to give it to them. 18091. I forgot which one, but it was some South African ethnic group that was slaughtered in huge numbers by the Dutch. (Log in options will check for institutional or personal access. With death and destruction occurring on such a vast scale, the relatively minor plight of a fringe minority of Turkish Christians attracted very little attention. Between 1782-1783, a similar crop failure occurred in Ireland, but on that occasion, the British government responded by closing all Irish ports. Cities were emptied out, and anyone conforming to this broad definition of the enemy was consigned to labor camps in the countryside. Other unreliable ethnic groups, such as Greeks and Assyrians, were also sucked into the maelstrom, and are now subject to separate genocide classifications. The impact of the Bantu Expansion has stood the test of time it continues to influence the demographics, language, and culture of the continent today. The Cambodian Genocide was ideological, but it was also random and inexplicable, and in the end, its ideological basis dissolved in undiluted murder. The Hutu are almost similar to the Tutsi who are also an ethnic majority in Rwanda. The Zulu style of warfare was based on finely tuned tactics, relentless discipline and brutal, close-quarters combat. The Khoisan and Pygmies live in Southern and Central Africa, respectively. False and dangerous equivalency. The Swahili traded with the inland kingdoms, including Great Zimbabwe. Over the next 500 years, Bantu-speakers moved eight times the previous distance (an average of 4000km). But he also displayed a dangerous pathology, perhaps born of his reduced birth, and the suffering that his mother endured on his behalf, but also, perhaps, because of hidden homosexuality. Bantu Genocide | Alternative History | Fandom Why the Jews were targeted in particular conforms to an age-old strategy of isolating a conspicuously wealthy subculture, and placing upon it the blame for every ailment and every woe afflicting an ethnically dominant population. [19] Many Batwa groups speak Bantu languages; however, a considerable portion of their vocabulary is not Bantu in origin. Based on dental evidence, Irish (2016) concluded that the common ancestors of Central African and Proto-Bantu peoples may have originated in the western Southern region of the Sahara, amid the Kiffian period at Gobero, and may have migrated southward, from the Sahara into various parts of central Africa (e.g. [28] Where Bantu was adopted via language shift of existing populations, prior African languages were spoken, probably from African language families that are now lost, except as substrate influences of local Bantu languages (such as click sounds in local Bantu languages). The Allies, as a tactic of war, exploited traditional tensions within Ottoman territories to weaken the Empire. Bantu people were in far greater numbers and pretty much absorbed most of these groups. Choose this option to get remote access when outside your institution. 23 Ibid. fall into the classification of genocide. 32 Photographs of Porajmos, the World War II Romani Gypsy Genocide, Heartbreaking Images of the Rwandan Genocide, Most Blood-Soaked African Battles and Conflicts. A characteristic feature of most AtlanticCongo languages, including almost all the Bantu languages except Swahili, is their use of tone. Accompanying charcoal carbon-dated to 266 s.c. 120. Was the Great Irish Famine genocide? The Bantu Migration/Expansion was a complex event thus the interactions between the Bantu and non-Bantu were also complex. The question is rather whether Muslim nationalists were to blame for demanding a two-state solution, whether Hindu nationalists were to blame for allowing it, or whether the British were to blame for leaving India knowing that genocide was inevitable. The military government solicited the aid of the United States, and a heavy-handed US response included a massive bombing during 1973, killing some 300,000 people. Their spread was occasioned by a phenomenon known as the Bantu Migration, or Bantu Expansion, which began in the first millennium and concluded towards the end of the 18th century. the Herero and Namaqua Genocide). But the Bantu farmers didn't swiftly drive hunter-gatherers to oblivion. At the time, the attention of the world tended to be focused on the events of WWI. No such policy was implemented in 1845, and as such, the famine has been described as artificial, and attributable to a deliberate policy of punishing a stubborn and difficult constituent territory of the Kingdom. Bantu expansion - Wikipedia The dynamics of genocide are rooted in the complex colonial policies of the time. Two such factoids are that (1) the Bantu Expansion would have been a single migratory macro-event and (2) it would have been driven by agriculture. It is described as one of the most momentous events in African history. Why the Jews were targeted in particular conforms to an age-old strategy of isolating a conspicuously wealthy subculture, and placing upon it the blame for every ailment and every woe afflicting an ethnically dominant population. The Atlantic-Congo family comprises a huge group of languages spread throughout Western, Central and Southern Africa. [15] The 60,000-km2 Mambilla region straddling the borderlands here has been identified as containing remnants of "the Bantu who stayed home" as the bulk of Bantu-speakers moved away from the region. The large-scale expansion of fairly recent language families is one of the reasons for this comparatively low diversity. This resulted in an attempt to systematically eliminate the large Christian Armenian minority. Was the Bantu Expansion really as brutal as suggested? Or was it a of the Congo rainforest at its periphery, for instance along the coasts of South Cameroon, Gabon, and Congo (11, 16, 19).A second event at 2,500 B.P. In this campaign, the mighty Zulu nation made one last, desperate effort to throw off the colonial yoke. The tell-tale sign is the lack of non-bantu Y-DNA left in the area and the MtDNA still surviving, which means they killed the men and "took" the women. Your email address will not be published. Their descendants have largely mixed with other peoples and adopted other languages. In all probability, however, this was genocide, because it could not have been done without the expectation that death on a mass scale would be the result. We won't share your contact details with anyone. Hitler harnessed this anger and dissatisfaction and directed it at the Jews. Under the rule of both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, numerous document examples of unnatural mass deaths have been recorded. and were massacred in great numbers by Dutch, British, and German settlers in acts of genocide (e.g. No, it's not. Bantu Genocide View source Bantu peoples is used as a general label for the 300-600 ethnic groups in Africa who speak Bantu languages. Needless to say, not all Germans subscribed to his vision, but enough did to render it practical, and, as the old saying goes: Bad things happen when good people do nothing. Other academic opinion tends to point to a typically dogmatic refusal on the part of the British government to acknowledge a failed policy. Most of these treaties implied imperial protection in exchange for land rights. Nonetheless, in the unfathomable complexity of the Anglo-Irish relationship, there are no small number of historians who point the finger at the British government, not so much for acts of commission, but acts of omission. On Tuesday, August 14, 1947, Pakistan was proclaimed independent from Britain, and a day later, India followed suit. Quick History Lesson: The severity of the Bantu Expansion () - Thread Control of East Africa was essential to the Allies as [], By Madison Moulton Looking out at the North Sea the body of water dividing Britain and the rest of Europe you would never suspect this hub of marine activity was once not a marine environment at all. [1] During that bitter period of modern Irish history between 1845 and 1849 approximately 1 million people died, and a million more emigrated. The indigenous population of the territory comprised dispersed agricultural and pastoral communities belonging to the two major indigenous population groups in southern Africa. Professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, Francis A. Boyle, argues that these actions, according to sections (a), (b), and (c) of Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, constitute genocide. In other words, most sub-Saharan Africans today are descended from Bantus, who are, historically, a genocidal conqueror race rather like the Yamnayas-Aryans of Eurasia. If you would like to reproduce it please get in touch via this form. Published online by Cambridge University Press: Because he's literate And using reason to research DNA and other recorded information. Vaguely the idea was to purify the races under German control, and create thus a race-worthy of European domination. Professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, Francis A. Boyle, argues that these actions, according to sections (a), (b), and (c) of Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, constitute genocide. The infamous Rwandan genocide was triggered by the tensions between the Hutus and Tutsis. In Eastern and Southern Africa, Bantu speakers may have adopted livestock husbandry from other unrelated Cushitic-and Nilotic-speaking peoples they encountered. If you cannot sign in, please contact your librarian. The Bantu Expansion: Some facts and fiction | Language Dispersal By about 1200 CE, "Bantu-ness" was a cultural and technological network across the vast trunk of Africa. [30], It is clear that there were human populations in the region at the time of the expansion, and pygmies are their closest living relatives. [18] From Cameroon, agricultural Proto-Bantu peoples began to migrate, and amid migration, diverged into East Bantu peoples (e.g., Democratic Republic of Congo) and West Bantu peoples (e.g. There seems to be much more evidence for the Bantu Expansion than the Aryan 'Invasion' (quote marks because some suggest migration, some say invasion). However, I've been told by numerous South Africans that the Khoisan have peacefully lived by Nguni peoples for thousands of years and that it is a division tactic. The first waves consisted of Southern Cushitic speakers, who settled around Lake Turkana and parts of Tanzania beginning around 5,000 years ago. Guerrilla warfare played a huge role in World War II. Quite as the Turkish government and people reject outright the definition of the Armenian deportation as genocide, so the British government also regard the Great Irish Famine of 1845-1852. Between 1904 and 1907, up to 100,000 Herero and 10,000 Nama were killed, many in concentration camps, dying of disease and starvation. A prime example is the Southern African Kingdom of Mapungubwe. I actually asked r/askhistorian but they told me the YouTube channel was spreading white supremacy propaganda. Dingiswayo very quickly noticed that the young Shaka possessed a particular talent for war, and took him into his army. These innovations facilitated population growth and the division of labour, forming powerful Bantu-controlled African states in the process. Irish Famine Memorial, Dublin Source: Genocide obviously never sits well on the national conscience of any country, and so the finer points of definition are usually argued exhaustively. Will Bantu Supremacy in South Africa Spark Another "Rwandan Genocide It is a relatively well-known story, or at least one that African history . The young woman, whose name was Nandi, was, with ageless injustice, cast out to give birth to her illegitimate child in exile. The German Empire claimed the colony in 1884, as part of what was known as the Scramble for Africa. Twa - Wikipedia The linguistic core of the Bantu languages, which comprise a branch of the Atlantic-Congo language family, was located in the southern regions of Cameroon. The economic suffering of the German people that followed, and the rise of nationalism that this set in motion, created ideal circumstances for a merchant and banking class to attract the attention of a disposed population. READ: The Spread of Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Bantu Migration Again, you do realise hunter-gatherers (like the San and Pygmies and not the Khoi as they were/are pastoralists) tend to have smaller populations than agriculturalists. The dynamics of genocide are rooted in the complex colonial policies of the time. That shows sexual migratory activity not genocide. 18091. In this campaign, the mighty Zulu nation made one last, desperate effort to throw off the colonial yoke. In other words, a ridiculous idea with no basis in rational thought was undertaken and executed with brilliant and systematic precision. [42][43], Manfred K. H. Eggert stated that "the current archaeological record in the Central African rainforest is extremely spotty and consequently far from convincing so as to be taken as a reflection of a steady influx of Bantu speakers into the forest, let alone movement on a larger scale."[44]. These communities also integrated and intermarried with the communities already present at the coast. [39][40] The Swahili city-states were also established early in this period. Fearing similar Allied manipulation of traditional Armenian hostility, the Turkish Armenian population found itself the subject of an extermination policy. Tensions and violence increased after the Rwandan Genocide as 1.5 million Hutu refugees fled Rwanda. Africa's World War: The Congo War - History Guild This is simply because it was about ideological killing on a major scale, and because it was accompanied by such cruelty and such wanton human suffering. How do you study history? Notable early kingdoms include the Kingdom of the Kongo in present day Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom in the Great Lakes region, the Kingdom of Mapungubwe (c.1075c.1220) in present day South Africa, and the Zambezi River, where the Monomatapa kings built the Great Zimbabwe complex. III and VII.Google Scholar, 25 For example, Fagan, Brian, Southern Africa, 110.Google Scholar, 26 Ihle, A., Das alte Knigreich Kongo (Leipzig, 1929).Google Scholar, 27 Oliver and Mathew, op. Was the Bantu Expansion genocide of the Pygmies, Khoisan, and - reddit . Much of this vocabulary is botanical, deals with honey collecting, or is otherwise specialised for the forest and is shared between western Batwa groups. This paper outlines four stages of the Bantu expansion: first, the initial push through the equatorial forest from the northern to the southern woodlands; second, the occupation of the southern woodland belt from coast to coast; third, the colonization of the Tanzania, Kenya and southern Somali coastline and of the northern sector of the lake region; fourth, the colonization south-wards, north-westwards and north-eastwards from this extended nucleus. Congo, Gabon) between 2500 BC and 1200 BC.[18]. [32][33] By the first century BC, Bantu speaking communities in the great lakes region developed iron forging techniques that enabled them to produce carbon steel. The debate has never been so much the classification of the event as genocide, although that is, of course, debatable.
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